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Missile Defense Briefing for March 26th 2025

...Missile Defense News

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2nd, 19th SOPS assume control of new GPS satellite

2nd, 19th SOPS assume control of new GPS satellite
"...The satellite, named GPS IIR-20(M), is the 34th satellite in the GPS constellation, which provides precise navigation and timing data to military and civilian customers around the world...."
Reference: via GPS News Report


Sunday, March 22, 2009

kinetic energy interceptor

Missile Defense Technology

Missile Defense Technology
"...Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI): Highly mobile, the kinetic energy interceptor is dubbed the next generation of missile defense due to its ability to ..."


The Cost of Missile Defense is a Small Price to Pay for a Very High Dividend

The Cost of Missile Defense is a Small Price to Pay for a Very High Dividend
"...Missile defense programs are a cost-effective example. Derided in the 1980s as fanciful “star wars,” few defense experts today question whether anti-ballistic missile technologies like the “GMD” system (Ground-based Midcourse Defense, a system of systems that includes other missile defenses) can destroy nuclear missiles from North Korea and Iran. ..."


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Griffith Urges Congress to Fund Missile Defense

Griffith Urges Congress to Fund Missile Defense
"...“In addition to being a deterrent to these rogue nations, our missile defense creates jobs in my district. Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama has more than 32,000 military jobs, 78,000 military retirees and 118,000 family members depending on this industry for their livelihood. This community is slated to continue to grow and, as the manufacturing, service, bio-tech, and homeland defense industries develop we should not stunt the growth of this region of the country. We should continue to research ways to ensure the safety of Americans both at home and abroad through producing sound missile defense technology...."


Monday, March 16, 2009

US intercepts ballistic missile in Hawaii test

US intercepts ballistic missile in Hawaii test
"... HONOLULU — The military's ground-based mobile missile defense system successfully shot down a medium-range ballistic missile during a test in Hawaii, the Missile Defense Agency said Tuesday. It was the first time the military fired two interceptors at one target using the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system..."


Sunday, March 8, 2009

2009 Missile Defense Agency Small Business Innovation Research Industry Day

8/11/2009 to 8/12/2009, Hyatt Regency Long Beach

2009 Missile Defense Agency Small Business Innovation Research Industry Day
"...MDA’s goal is to realize a return on investment by acquiring technology that can be transitioned into the Ballistics Missile Defense System (BMDS). The intent of the conference is simple. A better informed small business community is more likely to submit stronger, more focused proposals and minimize duplication and mistakes- enhancing the SBIR/STTR process for MDA and the Small Business Community. The Industry Day will provide small businesses with a “one-stop shopping” opportunity to learn as much as they can about the MDA SBIR and STTR programs...."


7th Annual U.S. Missile Defense Conference

7th Annual U.S. Missile Defense Conference
"...23 - 25 Mar 2009 Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center Washington, DC, This conference is U.S./SECRET Only. A key objective of the 7th Annual U.S. Missile Defense Conference is to maintain the legacy of providing a world-class, secure environment for all members of the U.S. Missile Defense Team to meet and discuss key issues facing the development and deployment of missile defense systems in support of national strategic objectives. ..."


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Missile Defence System in Eastern Europe

Russia snubs Obama secret offer
"...suggesting that he would back off deploying a new missile defence system in Eastern Europe if Moscow would help stop Iran from developing long-range weapons, American officials said on Monday. ..."
