Missile Defense Briefing for March 26th 2025
...Missile Defense News
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Huntsville Connection to Pacific Island Threatened by Tsunami
Huntsville Connection to Pacific Island Threatened by Tsunami
"...Since 1957 it's been a very important part of strategic missile defense and strategic missile defense headquarters are here in Huntsville at Redstone Arsenal, so it's got some very close connections to Huntsville..."
Reference: www.whnt.com
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Students to attend pro-Israel event in Washington, D.C.
Students to attend pro-Israel event in Washington, D.C.
"...“We'll be going over really interesting policy matter like the ins and outs of missile defense system, potential nuclear bombs and expert analysis,”..."
Reference: www.oudaily.com
France buys U.S. missiles, upgrades army
France buys U.S. missiles, upgrades army
"...The deal comes after a period of intense competition between Israel's Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Washington to supply French forces in Afghanistan..."
Reference: www.upi.com
MDA Logo Controversy
"...Others have noted that it has a crescent and star design, evoking a common symbol for Islam. The logo, which first appeared on the Missile Defense Web site..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
Other Related Reference: Screen capture of the Missile Defense Agency web site circa February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Boneyard: world's 'biggest' plane cemetery up close
The Boneyard: world's 'biggest' plane cemetery up close
"...Dubbed The Boneyard, but officially known as the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) facility, this sprawling US airbase is reputed to be the world's largest military aircraft cemetery...."
Reference: bbc.co.uk
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Israel new drone fleet can reach Iran
Israel new drone fleet can reach Iran
"...Israel has never confirmed its unmanned aircraft can fire missiles. Israel first began using drones in the early 1970s, and its fleet has steadily increased since then. The unmanned planes..."
Reference: news.ninemsn.com.au
- More references: Heron TP (IAI Eitan) source: wikipedia
- Israel Aerospace Industries
Lt. General Larry Dodgen passes
"...When he was commander of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, he was a cheerleader for the Rocket City as we prepared for BRAC 2005...."
Reference: www.waff.com
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Harris Corp. reels in $25 million deal for radios in new missile defense system
"...produce broadband radios for the new targeting-and-firing system, which will act as a single command center for multiple ballistic-missile interceptors..."
Reference: orlandosentinel.com
Friday, February 19, 2010
link 16 missile defense
Link 16
"...Link 16 is a type of military tactical data exchange network used by North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Its standard specification is part of the family of Tactical Data Links (TDLs). With Link 16, military aircraft as well as ships and ground forces may exchange their tactical picture in near-real time. Link 16 also supports the exchange of text messages, imagery data and..."
Reference: en.wikipedia.org
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Missile Defense Teamers ...are your computers Infiltrated by `Botnet'
More than 2,400 corporations, govt agencies infiltrated by large `botnet,' new report shows
More than 2,400 corporations, govt agencies infiltrated by large `botnet,' new report shows
"..."This kind of stuff is out there and it's pervasive," said Amit Yoran, CEO of NetWitness and former cybersecurity chief at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Parts of the botnet discovered by his firm likely are still active...."
Reference: abcnews.go.com
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Bulgaria to Talk With U.S. About Missile Defense
Bulgaria to Talk With U.S. About Missile Defense
"...Romania, which borders Bulgaria, earlier this month announced that it had agreed to host U.S. ballistic missile interceptors. Washington said the interceptors would be operational by 2015 (Tsolova/Mudeva, Reuters I, Feb. 12)...."
Reference: www.globalsecuritynewswire.org
Lockheed says it finished first phase of testing missile-warning satellite
Lockheed says it finished first phase of testing missile-warning satellite
"...device is designed to detect missile launches and support other functions including missile defense...."
Reference: www.canadianbusiness.com
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Huntsville Community and Missile Defense
Madison County Commission Chairman Mike Gillespie, Lockheed Martin honored by Chamber of Commerce
"...Maj. Gen. John W. Holly, vice president of Missile Defense Systems for Lockheed Martin Space Systems. Holly, who was unable to be at the chamber event, said Thursday that Lockheed Martin's success in Huntsville is "directly attributable to the environment created by the Huntsville community."..."
Reference: al.com
Shelby Going to Bat for Missile Defense
Shelby flexes political muscle
"...North Alabama is leaning on Shelby and the rest of the state's congressional delegation to protect NASA and crucial missile defense programs funded through Huntsville. Going to bat for the FBI center..."
Reference: al.com
Newly released 9/11 photos show World Trade Center from above
Newly released 9/11 photos show World Trade Center from above
"...Hijackers flew two commercial jetliners into the twin towers that day, killing 2,752 people. On the same day, hijackers flew another airplane into the Pentagon in Washington, killing 184 people...."
Reference: www.cnn.com
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
U.S. to Develop Missile Shield in Romania
"...to include Romania in a missile defense system against "potential attacks with ballistic missiles or medium-range rockets." "Terrestrial interceptors will be located inside the national territory," Reuters quoted Basescu saying...."
Reference: www.thenewamerican.com
Russian military calls US missile defense a threat
Russian military calls US missile defense a threat
"...Russian officials at first reacted calmly to U.S. plans to deploy Patriot missile systems in Poland, but have grown increasingly critical in recent weeks.
And Romania last week approved a proposal to place anti-ballistic missile interceptors in the country as part of the revamped American missile shield...."
Reference: bostonherald.com
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Iran Says US Defense Missiles Easily Defeated
Iran Says US Defense Missiles Easily Defeated
"...A senior Iranian military official is warning Gulf Arab nations not to buy U.S. missile defense systems, saying they can easily be thwarted...."
Reference: www1.voanews.com
Saturday, February 6, 2010
More information on Advanced Persistent Threat
Anatomy Of A Modern Hack
"...Phase 1, Reconnaissance: Attackers will watch and take notes on who in an organization they need to target, from administrative assistants to executives. Much of this information is gleaned from public Web sites. Phase 2, The Initial Breach: They will use spear-phishing ..."
Reference: www.informationweek.com
Friday, February 5, 2010
Missile Defense Quiz
Missile Defense Quiz
"...Do you know who produced the first ballistic missile? Good! You should ace this quiz..."
Reference: military.discovery.com
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Missile Defense Contractors ...are your networks and systems compromised?
The following is an article about APT attacks. Are your networks and systems compromised? You can rest assured it is highly likely they are. Read the article below and start focusing on the issues now. This is the time to be proactive and The Missile Defense Briefing is your best source for following these threats. Keep informed and begin to educate yourself now. It is no longer enough to simply educate yourself in your field, you must educate on these threats. Tip: Follow the articles we reference and research the information we cite. Stay on top of your game ...others are! The following is an excerpt from the security company MANDIANT:
Report Details Hacks Targeting Google, Others
"...APT attackers, however, aim to establish a long-term occupying force inside a company’s perimeter. Last year, for example, an unidentified defense contractor discovered 100 compromised systems on its network, and found that the intruders had been inside since at least 2007. ..."
Reference: www.wired.com
Further Research:
- DOD Cyber Crime Center
- "Under Cyberthreat: Defense Contractors" BusinessWeek. July 6, 2009. Retrieved 2010-01-20.
- "Predator drones hacked in Iraq operations" Missile Defense Briefing. December 17, 2009. Retrieved 2009-12-17
- "Understanding the Advanced Persistent Threat". Tom Parker. February 4, 2010. Retrieved 2010-02-04.
Противоракетная оборона Брифинги
Противоракетная оборона Брифинги
"...Новости сайта для промышленности ПРО. Противоракетная оборона является оборонной системы, предназначенной для защиты США от межконтинентальных баллистических ракет, государства-изгои...."
Reference: missile-defense-brief.blogspot.com
Посетите наш противоракетной обороны БИБЛИОТЕКА и пребывания на вершине конкуренции!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Vandenberg Missile Sites
Vandenberg Missile Sites
"...Photos of Abandoned ICBM sites on the northern side of Vandenberg AFB...."
Reference: www.terrastories.com
Monday, February 1, 2010
Video of January 31, 2010, Missile Test Launch of FTG-06: GMD Missile Defense Test
Jan 31, 2010: Test of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system. Target launched from Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands & Ground-Based Interceptor (GBI) launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.