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Missile Defense Briefing for March 26th 2025

...Missile Defense News

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Transcript:: Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak

Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak

"...MIN. BARAK: We feel that the Syrians keep backing the Hezbollah in the -- in a damaging way, that they convey to the Hezbollah weapons systems that can turn or disrupt the very delicate balance in Lebanon. And those balance-disrupting weapons systems, including the rockets or missiles, are considered to be a threat to the stability of the region. We do not intend to provoke any kind of a major collision in Lebanon or vis-a-vis Syria, as it were mentioned..."

Reference: .

Naval Superiority Missile: Exocet MM40 Block 3

"...latest generation of naval superiority missile has a significantly extended range thanks to its turbojet propulsion. And thanks to its GPS navigation, the new Exocet MM40 Block 3 is able to strike a target designated by its geographical coordinates, while remaining compatible with existing MM40 launchers...."

Reference: .

Missile Defense and the Economic Recovery (Huntsville, AL)

A bumpy economic recovery, with hope in Midwest, South

"...Wernher von Braun and a team of scientists moved to Redstone to build missiles for the Army. He later became Marshall's first director and chief architect of the Saturn V rockets that carried Americans to the moon in 1969...."

Reference: .

Monday, April 26, 2010

Missile in a Box

A cruise missile in a shipping box on sale to rogue bidders

"...Iran and Venezuela have already shown an interest in the Club-K Container Missile System which could allow them to carry out pre-emptive strikes from behind an enemy's missile defences. ..."


Suspected US Missile Strike Kills 4 In Pakistan

Suspected US Missile Strike Kills 4 In Pakistan

"...Missiles fired from a U.S. drone aircraft killed at least four militants on Monday in Pakistan's northwest tribal belt near the Afghan border..."

Reference: .

Iran Guards test missiles, warn enemies

Iran Guards test missiles, warn enemies

"...Iran's Revolutionary Guards test-fired five missiles during war games in a waterway crucial for global oil supplies on Sunday, and a commander warned the Islamic Republic's enemies they would regret any attack...."

Reference: .

Lockheed captures $435M missile defense system contract

Lockheed captures $435M missile defense system contract

"...Lockheed Martin Corp. will supply the Army with assistance fielding and maintaining a weapon system designed to defend against short-and-midrange ballistic missiles under a contract with a potential value of $435 million over nine years...."

Reference: .

Friday, April 23, 2010

US to Pursue Ties with Syria Despite Missile Allegations

US to Pursue Ties with Syria Despite Missile Allegations

"...U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says it is important for the United States to return an ambassador to Syria, despite allegations that Damascus has sent Scud missiles to Hezbollah militants in Lebanon...."


Thursday, April 22, 2010

As American as Missile Defense and Apple Pie: Baseball the way the United States Plays it!

As American as Missile Defense and apple pie, America excels at baseball. As a brief diversion from thoughts of missile defense and wondering if Iran is going to provoke the United States and Israel into removing the destructive Iranian threat, lets play ball for a moment. Click the video below to watch the amazing play by Brian Kownacki of Fordham University. Kownacki leaps over the top of Beck without getting tagged, and landed with a handstand on home plate. That's how America Rolls!


Auburn University to open research center in Huntsville

Auburn to open research center in Huntsville

"...Auburn will also seek research opportunities with the Space and Missile Command, Missile Defense Agency, Missile and Space Intelligence Center and NASA, said John Mason, Auburn's vice president for research. ..."



US says Japan sticks to key missile-shield program

US says Japan sticks to key missile-shield program

"...Japan already has spent just over $1 billion to help build a more capable SM-3 version, said Richard Lehner, a U.S. Missile Defense Agency spokesman. It is being co-developed with Waltham, Massachusetts-based Raytheon Co (RTN.N), the world's biggest missile maker...."



US top military official says strike against Iran would halt nuclear programme

US top military official says strike against Iran would halt nuclear programme

"..."There should be no confusion by our allies and adversaries that the United States is properly and energetically focused on this question and prepared to act across a broad range of contingencies in support of our interests." ..."



Israel Weighs Merits of Solo Attack on Iran

Israel Weighs Merits of Solo Attack on Iran

"...Many Israeli military experts say Israel can easily cope with any military retaliation by Iran in response to a strike. Iran's medium-range rockets would cause damage and casualties in Israel, but they aren't very accurate, and Israel's sophisticated missile-defense system would likely knock many out midflight. Israel has similarly proved it can handle attacks against Israel..."



Iran Begins Major Military Exercise

"...its ballistic missile capability, and that it claims to have a new missile with a range of 2,000 kilometers. The report also said Iran has improved the accuracy and payload capacity of its missiles, and estimates the country could have a missile capable of reaching the U.S. by 2015 if it gets foreign help...."



Monday, April 19, 2010

Janes Missiles & Rockets

Get your subscription to Janes Missiles & Rockets. Jane's Missiles and Rockets can assist you as a designer, manufacturer and/or user of these weapons by providing you with the most authoritative information available on this decisive area of defense. This unique resource ensures you can track industry and technology developments.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Massive fireball reported across Midwestern sky (Video)

Massive fireball reported across Midwestern sky (Video)

"..."Several reports of a prolonged sonic boom were received from areas north of Highway 20, along with shaking of homes, trees and various other objects including wind chimes," it said...."



Hizbullah admits receiving Syrian scuds

Hizbullah admits receiving Syrian scuds

"...Hizbullah sources confirmed Thursday that the terror group received a shipment of Scud missiles from Syria, the Kuwaiti paper Al-Rai reported. ..."



US military testing high-tech dirigibles in Utah

US military testing high-tech dirigibles in Utah

"...are designed to detect cruise missiles and other near-ground threats. Two 233-foot-long balloons..."



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Syria supplies Lebanon's Hizballah with ballistic missiles

Syria supplies Lebanon's Hizballah with ballistic missiles

"...Senior US officials familiar with the incident told The Wall Street Journal that the SCUD missiles given to Hizballah were built using either North Korean or Russian technology...."



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nuclear heartland anxious about missile cuts

Nuclear heartland anxious about missile cuts

"...Tuesday, Obama officially announced a stricter policy to constrain the use of the nation's nuclear arsenal. It would lessen the role nuclear weapons play in America's defense planning. Under the plan, the U.S. vows not to use nuclear weapons against countries that don't have them..."



Chinese hackers may have leaked out India's defence secrets

Chinese hackers may have leaked out India's defence secrets

"...India's new mobile missile defence system called Iron Dome may also have been compromised, the report titled Shadow In The Clouds and compiled by Canadian..."



Monday, April 5, 2010

Obama nuclear weapons manifesto is detailed

Obama nuclear weapons manifesto is detailed

"... His review is expected to omit some of the more hawkish statements made in 2001 in President George W. Bush's review. The Bush document said the United States might in some circumstances use nuclear weapons against countries that didn't have them. It said the United States should consider preemptive strikes against countries developing chemical, biological or nuclear weapons...."


Taliban ‘Coordinated’ Strike Hits U.S. in Pakistan

Taliban ‘Coordinated’ Strike Hits U.S. in Pakistan

"...The Obama administration has stepped up U.S. missile strikes from Predator drone aircraft against Taliban and al- Qaeda militants along the Afghan border as Pakistan’s army has launched ground offensives against some Taliban groups since last year...."



Joint Saudi / U.S. Missile Test?

Pentagon denies military test-fires Trident ballistic missile in Saudi drill

"...A Western military official in Saudi Arabia, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said a Trident missile was launched Wednesday out in the kingdom. ..."

