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Missile Defense Briefing for March 26th 2025

...Missile Defense News

Monday, January 31, 2011

Huntsville stands to gain from $600M missile contract

Huntsville stands to gain from $600M missile contract

"...for a contract to develop and sustain the Ground-based Midcourse Defense portion of the national ballistic missile defense..."

Reference: .

Saturday, January 29, 2011

European Phased Adaptive Approach missile defense plan (White House Fact Sheet)

Fact Sheet on U.S. Missile Defense Policy - A "Phased, Adaptive Approach" for Missile Defense in Europe

"...Starting around 2011, this missile defense architecture will feature deployments of increasingly-capable sea- and land-based missile interceptors, primarily upgraded versions of the Standard Missile-3 (SM-3), and a range of sensors in Europe to defend against the growing ballistic missile threat from Iran. This phased approach develops the capability to augment our current protection of the U.S. homeland against long-range ballistic missile threats, and to offer more effective defenses against more near-term ballistic missile threats. The plan provides for the defense of U.S. deployed forces, their families, and our Allies in Europe sooner and more comprehensively than the previous program, and involves more flexible and survivable systems...."

Reference: .

GAO questions U.S. plans for missile defense system in Europe

GAO questions U.S. plans for missile defense system in Europe

"...“DOD has initiated multiple simultaneous efforts to implement [the European Phased Adaptive Approach missile defense plan], but faces three key management challenges—the lack of clear..."

Reference: .

Boeing, Lockheed Martin teams submit proposals for big Missile Defense Agency contract

Boeing, Lockheed Martin teams submit proposals for big Missile Defense Agency contract

"...HUNTSVILLE, AL -- After more than a year of preparation, teams led by defense giants Boeing and Lockheed Martin have submitted proposals to the Missile Defense Agency this week, competing for the contract to develop and sustain the Ground-based Midcourse Defense..."

Reference: .

Lockheed’s Aegis ballistic missile test successful

Lockheed’s Aegis ballistic missile test successful

"...test occurred off Wallops Island, Va., making it the first Aegis test to take place on the East Coast. Lockheed Martin Mission Systems & Sensors..."

Reference: .

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Iran Tests Missle: Is Program Cover To Develop Nuclear Weapons

"...The missile which was warm-tested near the Khondab nuclear sites, near Central Arak city, hit the target successfully, Far Mahini was quoted as saying, adding that Iran will conduct such tests periodically nationwide to stay in full alert...."

Reference: .

Friday, January 21, 2011

HASC briefing ops / intel scheduled (Classified Meetings Jan. 25 and Jan. 26)

HASC to get head start on 2012 budget plans

"...McKeon told the 63-member committee to prepare for a busy year that will start with the first of what should be several intelligence briefings on ongoing operations...."

Reference: .

LM Missile Defense Programs Led Ballistic Missile Defense Efforts In 2010

LM Missile Defense Programs Led Ballistic Missile Defense Efforts In 2010

"...The MDA has announced that it will award the contract May 31, 2011, and that the acquisition is expected to have an approximate annual value of $600 million. ..."

Reference: .

Hey China: U.S. is Prepping New Ship-Killing Missiles, Too

Hey China: U.S. is Prepping New Ship-Killing Missiles, Too

"...Yeah, yeah, so the Chinese are working hard on a potentially deadly ballistic missile, designed to kill ships. That missile has long prompted a lot of debate about whether surface ships are ultimately a losing proposition for the U.S. Navy. If so, no one’s told the seafarers, who are moving forward with their own anti-ship missile upgrade...."

Reference: .

Navy conducting missile defense exercise off Eastern Shore

Navy conducting missile defense exercise off Eastern Shore

"...the exercise will “provide realistic training for our BMD ships and give them the opportunity to track a live target and simulate intercept of a short-range target missile in the midcourse phase of flight.” ..."

Reference: .

Yesterday's Delta IV-Heavy rocket launch: a personal impression

Yesterday's Delta IV-Heavy rocket launch: a personal impression

"...the Delta IV-Heavy rocket launch at Vandenberg Air Force Base in Lompoc, California on January 20. With the capacity to lift 23 tons of payload to low-Earth orbit, the rocket was the biggest to launch from the west coast of the United States to date, and it was a spectacular show...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Taiwan missile test fizzles out

Taiwan missile test fizzles out

"...Seventeen types of missiles were test-fired Tuesday, including the region's self-developed Tien Kung, or "Sky Bow," surface-to-air missile, the US-made Hawk surface-to-air missile and the vehicle-launched Tien-chien I, local military authorities said...."

Reference: .

Monday, January 17, 2011

Huntsville, Alabama Tech/Eng/Sec Clearance Job Fair

Rocket City Technology, Engineering and Security Clearance Career Fair

"...Jobs in, Engineering (all disciplines), Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Defense, Intelligence, Hardware, Software Development, Systems Engineering, Network Administrators, Risk Management, Modeling & Simulation, Military Operations, Satellite, Radar, Imagery, Database Development, Geospatial, GIS, Manufacturing, Technology, Semiconductor, Cyber Security/Computer Forensics, Milstar, Satcom, Infosec, Information Security, Integration & Test, Network Engineering, IT/IS, Spawar, A & P, Composites, Design, Quality, Test, CAD, Program & Project Managers, Imaging, Manufacturing, Civil, Construction Management, Chemical, Process, Navigation, Java/J2EE, Aerospace, Avionics, Communications, HUMINT, SIGNIT, GPS, Energy, Nuclear, Power, and much more. ..."

Reference: .

Friday, January 14, 2011

New HASC chair plans to reorganize committee

New HASC chair plans to reorganize committee

"...The Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, headed by Rep. Michael Turner, R-Ohio, would oversee strategic weapons, except deep-strike bombers and related systems; space programs; ballistic missile defense; ..."

Reference: .

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kosher Meal Served at Missile Defense Discussion

Northern Alabama Restaurant Serves First-Ever Kosher Meal

"...Berkowitz was surprised when the caller, far from discussing the latest advances in missile technology, inquired about the possibility of providing a kosher meal for five Israelis who would be attending the company’s formal dinner that evening...."


More: 801 Franklin

Congress vows not to cut U.S. missile defense aid to Israel

Congress vows not to cut U.S. missile defense aid to Israel

"...the new Congress would continue aid to several Israeli missile defense programs. They said the U.S. aid would include Israel's new anti-rocket system, Iron Dome.
"Israel has assisted in the security of the United States on literally thousands of occasions in nearly immeasurable ways ..."

Reference: .

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cutting 10 missiles from each base 'the leading option,' visiting commander says

Cutting 10 missiles from each base 'the leading option,' visiting commander says

"...Military leaders still are weighing how to trim 30 land-based missiles from the nation's arsenal of 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles as a result of the new arms control treaty..."

Reference: .

Slowing Defense

Defense Cuts to Have Modest Impact on Big Contractors

"...The programs to be canceled include the surface launched advanced medium range air-to-air missile ..."

Reference: .

Navy intel chief: Chinese missile is effective

Navy intel chief: Chinese missile is effective

"...Officials were surprised by China’s rapid development of a ballistic missile thought capable of striking ships at sea..."

Reference: .

China Spurns Defense Secretary Gates

"...Chinese said they would "consider and study" his plan to launch a strategic security dialogue on nuclear forces, missile defense, and space and cyberwarfare issues."Don't call us, we'll call you," is the way John Tkacik, a former State Department official and a career China specialist, interpreted the Chinese response...."

Reference: Investor's Business Daily .

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fort Greely plays important role in missile defense

U.S. Army Photo

Alaska's Fort Greely plays important role in nation's missile defense

"...missile defense at Fort Greely near Delta Junction becomes more important with each passing day. The secretary of defense announced Thursday that the nation's missile defense system will not take a budget cut in fiscal year 2012 -- in fact that budget has been increased because of the outside threats...."
Reference: .

A gross exaggeration of China's missile capabilities

From 'Letters to the Editor' via the Washington Post

A gross exaggeration of China's missile capabilities

"...Their claim that China is "building a missile force second to none" is a gross exaggeration. The Pentagon estimates that China has fewer than 50 long-range..."

Reference: .

Friday, January 7, 2011

Defense Budget Ax Swings and...

Contractors Brace for Cuts as Gates Readies Budget Ax

"...Other programs that are seen as vulnerable are the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, a family of bomb-resistant trucks designed to replace the military's ubiquitous four-wheel drive utility vehicle, the Humvee, and the Surface Launched Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile, an air defense system made by Raytheon Co. ..."

Reference: .

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Winners and Losers as Pentagon outlines cuts

Factbox: Winners and Losers as Pentagon outlines cuts

"...The Pentagon will buy more long-range interceptors for missile defense and advanced radar systems, moves that could benefit Raytheon Co and Lockheed Martin Corp. ..."

Reference: .

Lockheed optimistic Gates will keep, Congress will sustain, MEADS missile defense program

Lockheed optimistic Gates will keep, Congress will sustain, MEADS missile defense program

"...Brig. Gen. Roger Mathews, retired Maj. Gen. John Holly and Gregory Kee cut the ribbon at Lockheed Martin's ceremony opening the MEADS Battle Management Test and Integration Facility in Huntsville in 2010. Company officials are hopeful the missile defense program will be spared cancellation by Defense Secretary Robert Gates...."
Reference: .

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

USS Shoup Arrives in Nagoya, Japan

"...NAGOYA, Japan – The guided-missile destroyer USS Shoup (DDG 86) pulled into Nagoya, Japan on Nov. 4, where Sailors will have the opportunity to tour the unique area and interact with the local community...."
Reference: .

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lockheed Missile-System Funds Are Withheld Until Program's Fate Is Decided

Lockheed Missile-System Funds Are Withheld Until Program's Fate Is Decided

"...The Pentagon can’t spend more than 25 percent of the money it requested this fiscal year for a Lockheed Martin Corp. mobile missile defense system until it decides whether to terminate the $30 billion program, according to lawmakers. ..."

Reference: .

Ground-based missile system being developed by Raytheon may be axed

Pentagon to Slash $100B From Budget

"...A ground-based missile system being developed by Raytheon is also likely to face the ax, according to..."

Reference: .

Monday, January 3, 2011

White House Contradicts Russian Duma Official on Linkage Between Missile Defense and START

White House Contradicts Russian Duma Official on Linkage Between Missile Defense and START

"...An official of the lower house of the Duma says that as it ratifies the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, START, the Russian parliament will reaffirm that the treaty limits U.S. plans for missile defense, contrary to the stated position of U.S. officials...."

Reference: .

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hamas plan: Missile at soccer match

Hamas plan: Missile at soccer match

"...Two Hamas members from east Jerusalem were indicted Sunday on suspicion of planning to fire a missile at Jerusalem's Teddy Stadium during an Israeli premier league soccer match. ..."

Reference: .