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Missile Defense Briefing for March 26th 2025

...Missile Defense News

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lockheed Martin to produce the THAAD weapon system ($789M contract)

Lockheed Martin wins $789M contract for THAAD

"...According to a press release, the contract includes $694.9 million and for the production of 48 THAAD interceptors, six THAAD launchers, four fire control units and additional support equipment. The interceptors are produced at Lockheed Martin’s Pike County facility in Troy...."

Reference: .

Requesting Veterans' Service Records

Requesting Veterans' Service Records

"...Request records online with eVetRecs, Other Methods to Obtain Military Service Records, What's available online?, Locate older (pre-WW I) military service records, Using military records for genealogical research, Other military and veterans records, replace lost or damaged medals and awards ..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Raytheon Jobs, Employment in South Easton, MA |

Raytheon Jobs, Employment in South Easton, MA |

"...Job search for 111 Raytheon Jobs, Employment in South Easton, MA at one search. all jobs..."

Reference: .

Operation Odyssey Dawn continues barrage of cruise missiles

Denver Post Photos of Military Operations In Libya

"...A U.S. defense official says U.S. ships and submarines unleashed a barrage of cruise missiles at Libyan missile storage facilities in the Tripoli area late Monday and early Tuesday...."

Reference: .

You are the Rocket Men ...and women (YouTube Video of Rocket Man - Elton John)

How about a little music to lighten your day. Elton John - Rocket Man ...or click the video below:

Iron Dome facts

Five facts about the Iron Dome anti-rocket system

"...The deployment of an Iron Dome anti-rocket battery in southern Israel on Sunday (Mar. 27) marked another step on the system's path to becoming fully operational ..."

Reference: .

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lockheed Martin opens Huntsville Integrated Test (HIT) Center

Lockheed Martin Opens Test Center

"...Lockheed Martin Corporation formally opened the Huntsville Integrated Test (HIT) Center in Huntsville, Alabama that will help the company to carry out cost-effective and realistic testing of full-scale missile defense systems in a laboratory environment. ..."

Reference: .

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Work could soon begin on Raytheon missile plant at Redstone Arsenal

Work could soon begin on Raytheon missile plant at Redstone Arsenal

"...HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- Work could soon begin on the Raytheon plant at Redstone Arsenal that will assemble and test the company's SM-3 and SM-6 "Standard Missiles."..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back-engineering U.S. technology

Did China develop its deadly stealth fighter using parts from a downed U.S. bomber?

"...Lieutenant Colonel Georgei Anicic, a unit commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 250th Air Defence Brigade of the Serbian military, was sent into the fields of western Serbia. His unit was to hunt Nato aircraft in the skies above using a Yugoslav version of the Soviet Isayev S-125 Neva ground-to-air missile system. ..."

Reference: .

Lockheed Martin Response

Lockheed Martin Responds

"...However, Lockheed Martin does continue to provide intermediate-range targets under ... Defense Agency's (MDA's) Targets and Countermeasures Prime Contract...."

Reference: .

Extended Medium-Range Ballistic Missile (EMRBM) launch scheduled

New BMD Target To Launch In Late Fiscal 2012

"...The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) plans to use its new Extended Medium-Range Ballistic Missile (EMRBM) during a flight trial in the fourth quarter of 2012. Lockheed Martin..."

Reference: .

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cruise missiles wipe out Gaddafi's (al-Qaḏḏāfī) command and control center

Airstrike destroys Gaddafi's command and control building

"...European and US forces unleashed warplanes and cruise missiles against Gaddafi on Saturday in a United Nations-backed intervention to prevent the veteran leader from killing civilians as he fights an uprising against his 41-year rule...."

Reference: .

Friday, March 18, 2011

X-51 WaveRider missile test is scheduled for March 22

Air Force Gears Up for Hypersonic Missile Test

"..."Our next flight is scheduled for March 22," Charlie Brink, Air Force Research Laboratory's X-51A program manager, told AOL News today...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Draft Memo Provides Guidance in DoD Shutdown Plans

Draft Memo Outlines DoD Shutdown Plans

"...If the U.S. federal government shuts down, all military personnel would be required to continue working without pay, according to the memo. The military would continue to operate in Afghanistan, and troops would continue to prepare for deployment. But many civilian DoD employees could be furloughed. ..."

Reference: .

Monday, March 14, 2011

Companies given missile defense contracts

Companies given missile defense contracts

"...The US Missile Defense Agency says it is granting competitive awards to five small US businesses for advisory and assistance services. The businesses named are COLSA Corp., Huntsville, Ala.; Engineering Research and..."

Reference: .

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Prisoners Building Missile Parts?

U.S. Prisoners Build Missile Parts for Raytheon and Lockheed to Sell Abroad

"...Inmates in American prisons have come a long way from the days of making license plates. Nowadays, prisoners are helping build missiles and other sophisticated weapons, and providing dirt-cheap labor in the process...."

Reference: .

Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) Missile Passes The Test

Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) Missile Passes The Test

"...Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT)’s Trident II D5 Missile has completed its 135th consecutive successful test flight...."

Reference: .

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Are you prepared?

The secret world of doomsday shelters

"...Underground home bunkers once again have a small but growing following as a refuge from a host of perceived threats. And most people who have them would prefer that you didn’t know...."

Reference: .

More reading: Buy your own abandoned missile silo

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Arming Syria with Cruise Missiles

Supersonic Cruise Missiles Coming to the Med

"...Russia reasserted last week her determination to provide the P-800 Yakhont (SS-N-26) anti-ship cruise missile to Syria. Assuming the missile does come to Syria, it will mark the first deployment of any missile of this kind in a Mediterranean nation...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sen. Shelby Speaks in Support of Missile Defense Funding

Senator Shelby visits Rocket City

"...Shelby also talked about Madison County’s importance concerning defense.

“You’re in the driver’s seat here,” Shelby said. “We need a robust missile defense. We needed it yesterday.”

He said he wants missile defense to be a high priority and does not support decreasing it.

“To cut it back is like cutting off your leg,” Shelby said...."

Reference: .

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Terrorists armed with heat-seeking antiaircraft missiles looted from Libya?

Experts Fear Looted Libyan Arms May Find Way to Terrorists

" the SA-7, an early-generation, shoulder-fired missile in the same family as the more widely known Stinger — that intelligence agencies have long worried could fall into terrorists’ hands...."

Reference: .

A new missile defense program for Europe

US launches new missile defense program for Europe

"...The move marks the first of the Obama administration's four-phase plan to put land- and sea-based radars and interceptors in several European locations over the next decade...."

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Raytheon Missile Systems Co. Contract Award

MDA wins $75 million contract for support from US Defense

"...The Missile Defense Agency is announcing the award of a sole-source cost-plus-award-fee contract to Raytheon Missile Systems Co., Tucson, Ariz. ..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Iran attempts nuclear missile parts buy

Iran Seeks Missile Components in Norway, Official Says

"...Norway yesterday said it had thwarted a number of attempts by Iran to obtain from small domestic firms components suited for incorporation in nuclear-armed missiles, Reuters reported..."

Reference: .

Russia proceeds with missile sale to Syria

Russia proceeds with missile sale to Syria

"...Russia has signaled its intent to press ahead with plans to supply Syria with Yakhont supersonic cruise missiles...."

Reference: .

Raytheon Missile Test Successful

Raytheon (NYSE:RTN) Reports Successful Missile Defense Test

"...Frank Wyatt, the vice president of Raytheon (NYSE:RTN)’s Air and Missile Defense Systems product line said that, “The test demonstrated the fire control loop of the kinetic warhead on the ground, which is a key indicator that we’re on track for the first SM-3 Block IB intercept in space this year...."

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