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Missile Defense Briefing for March 26th 2025

...Missile Defense News

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Network penetrations bleeding defense secrets

U.S. arms makers said to be bleeding secrets to cyber foes

"...Top Pentagon contractors have been bleeding secrets for years as a result of penetrations of their computer networks, current and former national security officials say...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sineva submarine-launched ballistic missile (Russia)

Russia tested new ballistic missile

"...Last Friday’s test-launch of a missile from the Barents Sea could be the first test of a new, modernized version of the Sineva submarine-launched ballistic missile...."

Reference: .

Lockheed Martin Demonstrates Full Range of Capabilities at Empire Challenge 2011

Lockheed Martin Demonstrates Full Range of Capabilities at Empire Challenge 2011

BETHESDA, Md., May 25, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Lockheed Martin will demonstrate its advanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), and battlefield communication technologies in a nine-day exercise at Empire Challenge 11 (EC 11), May 23 to June 3, at Fort Huachuca, Ariz.

The exercise will feature Lockheed Martin's Combat Edge, Vehicle Optics Sensor System (VOSS II), MONAX, Sniper® Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP), Desert Hawk III Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS), TacWarrior and new product Stratus Rising™ tactical gateway. The systems will help determine the effects of integrated ISR and command and control elements in improving support to warfighters and enhancing information exchange between multi-national forces during joint operations.

The EC 11 exercise will simulate battlefield conditions in Afghanistan. The activities will help realize and leverage new capabilities for warfighters and command operations. Resulting data from the exercise will be shared with modeling and simulation laboratories across the U.S. and at coalition sites in the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.

"We are integrating our wide range of ISR capabilities into a common, shared set of capabilities known as the 'Combat Edge' system," said Scott Kreisler, Lockheed Martin's campaign manager for the exercise. "Our products will provide actionable command, control and intelligence at all levels of warfare from the tactical edge to national intelligence centers."

A new ISR capability, Stratus Rising™ tactical gateway generates intelligence products that are readily available to warfighters and intelligence analysts, with data discovery enabled via the Distributed Common Ground System Integration Backbone. In real time, Stratus Rising will process, prioritize, publish and disseminate live full-motion tactical imagery video from a VOSS II or Sniper ATP and will transmit information from wireless communications via the Distributed Common Ground System to TacWarrior™.

"Stratus Rising tactical gateway will be among the new ISR capabilities that will enhance operations," said Steven Botwinik, director of business development for Research & Development at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. "It complements our strong portfolio of technologies that will be demonstrated at Empire Challenge."

The rugged, lightweight Desert Hawk III UAS has been deployed in the global war on terror by United Kingdom. For EC 11, Desert Hawk III will be outfitted with a Gimbaled Electro-optic/Infrared camera and Electronic Support Measures focused on geolocation of radio emitters.

MONAX 3G wireless communications system enables secure voice, text and video from warfighters' smart phones or tablet devices. The EC 11 exercise will stream video intelligence to warfighters at the combat edge through these portable devices to test their effectiveness and, in turn, stream data and video they gather from their vantage point to command operations for a greater, more enhanced situational awareness picture and greater informed decision-making.

During the exercise, the Sniper pod's ISR capabilities for autonomous reconnaissance and data collection will be demonstrated, providing a complete battlefield picture for intelligence operations. Directed by pre-defined or pilot-designated flight points, this capability can be used to monitor convoy routes or wide areas of interest, in addition to capturing images of infrastructure such as oil pipelines, power lines and roadways.

Empire Challenge is an annual joint and multinational live ISR interoperability demonstration sponsored by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Intelligence. Empire Challenge showcases emerging ISR capabilities and provides vital lessons learned to improve joint and combined ISR interoperability to support warfighters at the tactical edge. This year EC will focus on near-term capabilities that can be delivered rapidly to the warfighter.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 126,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation's 2010 sales from continuing operations were $45.8 billion.

For additional information, visit our website:

SOURCE Lockheed Martin

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European Phased Adaptive Approach to missile defense

U.S. missile defense plans likely topic during Obama, Medvedev talks

"...When Obama announced his European Phased Adaptive Approach to missile defense in Sept. 2009, the plan focused on four phases of development...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Iran Sanctions imposed

US hits more foreign firms with Iran sanctions

"...hit seven foreign companies, including Venezuela' state-owned oil company and an Israeli shipping firm, with sanctions for doing business with Iran that helps fund its nuclear program...."

Reference: .

Tags: Petróleos de Venezuela, Tanker Pacific of Singapore, Ofer Brothers Group of Israel, Associated Shipbroking of Monaco, Petrochemical Commercial Company International of Jersey and Iran, the Royal Oyster Group of the United Arab Emirates and Speedy Ship of the United Arab Emirates and Iran

Netanyahu: 'We defend ourselves'

Netanyahu says he’ll present peace vision in Congress speech

"..."He spoke of that commitment not just in front of AIPAC but in two speeches heard throughout the Arab world," Netanyahu said of Obama. "And President Obama has backed those words with deeds. I know these are tough economic times. So I want to thank the president and Congress for providing Israel with vital assistance, so that Israel can defend itself by itself."..."

Reference: .

Sunday, May 22, 2011

U.S. knocks down report of Iran, Venezuela missile base

U.S. knocks down report of Iran, Venezuela missile base

"...a newspaper report claiming that Iran is building a missile base in the South American nation is not credible...."

Reference: .

CDC blogs about Zombie Apocalypse

Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse

"...a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this..."

Reference: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) .

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sea-Based X-band Radar

Massive radar could track baseball from across a continent

"...Of course, the billion-dollar radar is designed to track missiles, not baseballs. It is scheduled to spend about 90 days at Seattle’s Vigor Shipyards for maintenance and upgrades, including adding the ability to plug into shore power, rather than having to use its six diesel generators while in port..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Missile-smuggling plot trial

Calif man gets 25 years for missile-smuggling plot

"..."The defendant's willingness to smuggle surface-to-air missiles into this country or anywhere is a frightening concept because there can be no confusion as to the purpose of such contraband," said Steven Martinez, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles office...."

Reference: .

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Five countries interested in Israel's anti-missile system.

Israel to invest one billion dollars in Iron Dome missile defense system

"...Shani reveals that five countries have already expressed an interest in the system, especially following its successful operational interception of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip last month...."

Reference: .

Thursday, May 5, 2011

SBIRS GEO-1 satellite to launch May 6

USAF and Lockheed Martin ready for launch of SBIRS GEO-1 satellite

"...will be helpful to "Enhance early warning of missile launches around the globe, support the nation's ballistic missile defense system", and with its persistent infrared surveillance, should improve US security for next years. ..."

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