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Missile Defense Briefing for March 26th 2025

...Missile Defense News

Friday, August 31, 2012

Raytheon awarded contract modification

Raytheon to Supply More Missiles - Analyst Blog

"...Raytheon Company ( RTN ) was awarded a $230.4 million contract modification from the Missile Defense Agency for a sole-source cost-plus-incentive-fee contract action. The addition to the contract consists of 14 Standard Missile-3 Block IA Missiles and 5 Standard Missile-3 Block IB Missiles. The total value of this contract modification is $230.4 million increasing the total contract value from $1.7 billion to $1.9 billion. Work on the contract will be done in Tucson, Arizona. Raytheon expects to finish work on the contract by September 30, 2014...."

Reference: .

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Neil Armstrong passes

Neil Armstrong, first person to walk on moon, dies of complications from heart surgery

"...Neil Armstrong, the astronaut who with "one small step" from the Apollo 11 lunar module on July 20, 1969, became the first person to walk on the moon, died Saturday at 82...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Barring budget accord, AZ could lose billions, see major layoffs, he tells Raytheon workers

McCain: Defense cuts will hit here

"...The cuts would be divided equally between defense and non-defense federal programs, though defense represents about 19 percent of the entire federal budget, McCain told a crowd of about 400 workers at Raytheon's plant complex near Tucson International Airport...."

Reference: .

Space and Missile Defense Conference in Huntsville tout local missile work

Lockheed's Alabama missile programs touted as bright spot in gloom over defense budget

"...there was plenty to smile about as they outlined some of their programs during the 15th annual Space & Missile Defense Conference in Huntsville. Lockheed Martin is the third-largest defense and aerospace employer in the Huntsville-North Alabama area, with a "little over a thousand fired-up employees who are providing capabilities and services and programs to our warfighters..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Iran prepares with upgraded missile

Iran unveils new missile, starts air defence site

"...President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Defence Minister Ahmad Vahidi attended a ceremony at which officials unveiled the fourth-generation Fateh 110 short-range missile, with a range of about 300 km (180 miles), and other upgraded hardware...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

X-51A missile test fails

Third test flight of X-51A hypersonic missile ends in failure

"...Wright Patterson AFB has confirmed in an official press release that Tuesday’s test of the Waverider X-51A unmanned hypersonic missile has failed...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Missile Integration Technician Salary at Redstone Arsenal, AL - National Salary Trend from Indeed

Missile Integration Technician Salary at Redstone Arsenal, AL - National Salary Trend from Indeed

"...Average Missile Integration Technician salaries for job postings in Redstone Arsenal, AL are 3% lower than average Missile Integration Technician salaries for job postings nationwide...."

Reference: .

Monday, August 13, 2012

Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System Unitary rockets contract awarded to Lockheed

Army awards $353 million to Lockheed for rocket system known as '70-kilometer sniper rifle'

"...The Army has awarded a $353.2 million contract for the seventh production lot of Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System Unitary rockets to Lockheed Martin.

Reference: .

Automatic military budget cuts will be devastating for workers

Budget cuts would affect 10,000 jobs at Lockheed Martin

"...A Huntsville defense industry giant is predicting a coming wave of automatic military budget cuts will be devastating for workers, bad for America's security, and cruel to families.

Lockheed Martin Vice President Dennis Cavin said for people who work in the defense industry, the coming wave of automatic defense cuts would be devastating. ..."
Reference: .

Friday, August 10, 2012

New Missile Defense Agency director picked

Obama picks new Missile Defense Agency director

Rear Admiral James D. Syring

"...President Obama has nominated Navy Rear Admiral James D. Syring for appointment to the rank of vice admiral and for assignment as director of the Missile Defense Agency, at Fort Belvoir. ..."

Reference: .

Friday, August 3, 2012

Stop wiggling your missile while you are on the job!

Pentagon’s War on Porn Spreads to Missile Defense Machines

"...The Missile Defense Agency’s executive director, John James Jr., has warned his staff against “inappropriate” use of the agency’s servers — specifically, “accessing websites, or transmitting messages, containing pornographic or sexually explicit images.” As every visitor to such websites knows, they risk “the introduction of malware or malicious code.”..."

Reference: .