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Missile Defense Briefing for March 26th 2025

...Missile Defense News

Monday, December 22, 2014

Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor (JLENS) to patrol East Coast

Pentagon launching missile defense blimps to patrol East Coast

"...The system is called JLENS, short for Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System. The radar is used to spot missiles or “swarming boats” filled with explosives from as far away as 340 miles...."

Reference: .

Monday, December 1, 2014

Raytheon is expanding a futuristic factory in Huntsville where SM-3 and SM-6 missiles are assembled.

Aerospace Finds a Home in Alabama

"...Lockheed Martin is adding an annex to produce cruise missiles at its Pike County plant, where the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile is made. Lockheed Martin also makes unmanned aerial systems in Huntsville. Raytheon is expanding a futuristic factory in Huntsville where SM-3 and SM-6 missiles are assembled...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Hanscom Air Force Base to assist Qatar with air and missile defense system

Hanscom to assist Qatar with air and missile defense system

"...As part of a $7.3 billion FMS case between Qatar and the United States, the Air Force -- specifically the Battle Management Directorate here at Hanscom -- will develop an Air and Missile Defense Operations Center, or ADOC, and provide the integration necessary for both U.S. and foreign ground-based air and missile defense systems...."

Reference: .

Monday, November 24, 2014

State Department: International Security and Missile Defense

State Department: International Security and Missile Defense

"... discuss three key issues:

  • First, the United States’ commitment to ballistic missile defense (BMD) and the Fiscal Year 2015 missile defense budget request;
  • Second, the significant progress that has been made in implementing the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) over the past year; and;
  • Third, cooperation on missile defense with allies and partners outside of Europe....
  • "

    Reference: .

    Sunday, November 9, 2014

    Successful test of Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System

    US Successfully Tests Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System Amid Ongoing Tensions With Russia

    "...The United States successfully tested the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense, or BMD, system over the Pacific Ocean on Thursday, simultaneously destroying one ballistic missile target and two cruise missile targets, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, or MDA, announced in a statement...."

    Reference: .

    Tuesday, October 21, 2014

    Lockheed Martin awarded $124.6 million THAAD contrac

    Lockheed Martin awarded $124.6 million THAAD contract

    "...The contract provides for the delivery of U.S. government THAAD launchers, support equipment, fire control and communication spares, and launcher spares...."

    Reference: .

    Wednesday, October 1, 2014

    Home with missile bunkers is for sale; get better security than the White House (Video)

    $1.5M house for sale has 3 Cold War-era missile bunkers

    "...the offbeat home listing and takes viewers on a tour of the three missile bunkers, which were used in the 1950s to house rocket-propelled warheads...."

    Reference: .

    Monday, September 29, 2014

    United Arab Emirates Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) modification to an existing contract

    Lockheed Martin providing missile spare parts to United Arab Emirants

    "...Lockheed Martin Corp., Missiles and Fire Control, Dallas, Texas, has been awarded an $11,090,210 firm-fixed-price modification to an existing contract for United Arab Emirates Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) foreign military sales spares...."

    Reference: .

    Monday, September 8, 2014

    Russian strategic bombers conducted practice cruise missile attacks on the United States

    Russian Strategic Bombers Near Canada Practice Cruise Missile Strikes on US

    "...Gen. Yuri Yakubov, a senior Defense Ministry official, was quoted by the state-run Interfax news agency as saying that Russia’s 2010 military doctrine should be revised to identify the United States and the NATO alliance as enemies, and clearly outline the conditions for a preemptive nuclear strike against them...."

    Reference: .

    Monday, September 1, 2014

    Hargreaves: former nuclear missile silo in Wamego netted chemicals to produce millions of doses of LSD

    Author: LSD missile silo case likened to 'Breaking Bad'

    Operation: Trip to Oz
    "...Guy Hargreaves has written a book ( Operation: Trip to Oz ) about the law enforcement raid of a former nuclear missile silo in Wamego, which netted chemicals to produce millions of doses of LSD, the hallucinogenic drug. Hargreaves is a former agent in the federal Drug Enforcement Administration...."
    Reference: .

    Wednesday, August 27, 2014

    Hypersonic glider suffers second unsuccessful test

    Army rocket blown up during failed launch in Kodiak

    "...A test of a new Army weapon failed 4 seconds into flight from the Kodiak Launch Complex early Monday when the rocket went awry and was blown to bits by flight controllers...."

    Reference: .

    Tuesday, August 26, 2014

    Inside Raytheon’s SM-3, SM-6 Missile Interceptor Facility (with video)

    Inside Raytheon’s SM-3, SM-6 Missile Interceptor Factory

    "... inside the fences of the Redstone Arsenal — a sprawling Army base just minutes from downtown Huntsville — is where defense giant Raytheon assembles ship-launched missile interceptors..."


    TAGS: Huntsville Missile Defense, Missile facility, Raytheon, Redstone Arsenal, ship-launched missile interceptors, SM-3 Block 2A missile, SM-3 Block IA missile, SM-6


    Saturday, August 23, 2014

    SpaceX rocket explodes at Texas test facility

    SpaceX rocket explodes at Texas test facility

    "...A SpaceX rocket exploded Friday during a test flight in McGregor, Texas, after an anomaly was detected in the vehicle, the company said...."

    Reference: .

    Sunday, August 10, 2014

    Lockheed Martin earns $124 million contract for THAAD spare parts and support

    Lockheed Martin earns $124 million contract for THAAD spare parts and support

    "...The expected completion date is Aug. 7, 2017. Fiscal 2014 procurement funds are being obligated at time of award. The contract was a sole-source acquisition and one offer was received. The Missile Defense Agency, Huntsville, Alabama, is the contracting activity...."

    Reference: .

    Thursday, August 7, 2014

    Redstone Arsenal remote weapon station test of Javelin missile

    Javelin missile tested at Redstone from remote weapon station

    "...The Raytheon Company and Lockheed Martin Javelin Joint Venture recently fired a Javelin missile from a remote weapon station integrated onto a wheeled vehicle at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama...."
    Reference: .

    Thursday, July 10, 2014

    Israel uses the Iron Dome system only against rockets headed toward populated areas

    How Iron Dome blocks rockets from Gaza, protects Israelis

    "...More than 250 rockets have been fired out of Gaza toward Israel in that time, the IDF said. Israel uses the Iron Dome system only against rockets headed toward populated areas. If one appears to be headed for an empty field, the dome does not activate...."

    Reference: .

    Thursday, July 3, 2014



    "...The SMDC announces interest in receiving research, development, and technology maturation white papers/proposals with technical, management, and cost consideration. White papers/proposals submitted should include new ideas for advanced and innovative concepts as well as prototype hardware and software for current and emerging space and missile defense science and technology. The SMDC conducts space, directed energy, missile defense, cruise missile defense and related technology research and development for the Army, Missile Defense Agency, Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, Office of the Secretary of Defense High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office, and other defense-related government agencies. Furthermore, SMDC plans and executes missile defense test and evaluation programs and related analysis and is interested in pursuing opportunities for technical cooperation and partnerships with academia, industry, and international organizations. 3. Invitation to Submit Proposals The SMDC is interested in receiving white papers/proposals for the basic and applied research efforts described under this BAA. This announcement is an expression of interest only and does not commit the Government to make any award or to pay for any response preparation costs. The cost of proposal preparation for response to a BAA is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resultant contract or any other contract;..."

    Reference: .

    Wednesday, June 25, 2014

    Long-range ballistic missile hit by kill-vehicle in Sunday missile test

    Missile Defense Test Deemed a Success

    "...kill-vehicle launched Sunday from the Lompoc base successfully struck a long-range ballistic missile launched from the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific as part of an ongoing missile defense program..."

    Reference: .

    Monday, June 16, 2014

    Ground-based interceptor will try to hit target weapon launched from Kwajalein Atoll this month

    Major Missile Defense Test Planned for Vandenberg Air Force Base This Month

    "... At the hearing, however, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, referred to the test as being June 22. Officials won’t confirm the test date until the Air Force has issued notices to aviators and mariners..."

    Reference: .

    Wednesday, June 11, 2014

    Missile Defense Contracts Awarded to Miltec, Lockheed Martin

    Miltec, Lockheed Martin land missile defense contracts

    "...Miltec Corp. of Huntsville was awarded a $44 million contract for labor, materiel and research and development on the Advanced Hypersonic Weapon - Technology Demonstration for Space and Missile Defense Command. The contract covers work through June 2019 and will take place in Huntsville...."

    Reference: .

    Saturday, June 7, 2014

    The strategic ground is shifting: US needs to enhance missile defense to counter North Korean threat

    Missile Defense and the North Korean Nuclear Threat

    "...many in Washington and Seoul to believe that the DPRK is planning to conduct its fourth nuclear test and/or another long-range missile test to enhance the credibility of its nuclear deterrent. But while public attention is once again on the idea of a North Korean nuclear-tipped ICBM that could threaten the continental United States, the strategic ground is shifting...."

    Reference: .

    Wednesday, June 4, 2014

    Russian jet loaded with missiles pulls dangerous fly-by aimed at U.S. aircraft

    'Dangerous' Russian jet fly-by was 'straight out of a movie'

    "...U.S. Air Force RC-135U aircraft flying on a routine mission over the Sea of Okhotsk was intercepted by a Russian Su-27 Flanker aircraft. The Russian aircraft turned and "showed its belly" to the U.S. crew so they could see it was armed with missiles..."
    Reference: .

    Tuesday, May 27, 2014

    Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense Project Office, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon serves with Habitat for Humanity in Huntsville

    Air/missile defense team puts back into community

    "...On April 26, several members, friends and family of the Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense Project Office partnered with their counterparts from Northrop Grumman and Raytheon to serve at the Habitat for Humanity in Huntsville...."

    Reference: .

    Thursday, May 22, 2014

    Hawaii residents saw mysterious lights in the Tuesday night sky (video)

    Lights confirmed as contrails from Kauai missile test

    "...The mysterious lights that Hawaii residents saw in the Tuesday night sky was indeed the shifting contrails of the Aegis missile that was being tested on Kauai..."



    Medium Extended Air Defense System Mode 5 Identification Friend or Foe subsystem has received full certification

    MEADS System certified for identifying friend or foe aircraft

    "...The Multifunction Fire Control Radar is a 360-degree X-band, solid-state, phased array radar that provides precision tracking and wideband discrimination and classification capabilities. Both radars provide threat-detection capability against highly maneuverable, low-signature threats, including short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and other air-breathing threats...."

    Reference: .

    Tuesday, May 20, 2014

    SM-3 IIA Builds

    Raytheon Eyes Early SM-3 IIA Builds

    "...The proposal will include the sale of 22 of the missiles, which are now being developed,..."

    Reference: .

    Missile Defense is a good economic partner; Greely Missile-defense Base Could Launch Construction Boom

    New Structure at Greely Missile-defense Base Could Launch Construction Boom

    "...Work on an $80 million structure at Fort Greely’s missile-defense base is expected to begin by midsummer. But it’ll be mostly design work; military officials say major construction on the project probably won’t get going until next summer. ..."

    Reference: .

    Sunday, May 4, 2014

    Possible first stage of a KN-08 road-mobile ICBM

    North Korea testing engine for possible nuclear missile, say analysts

    "...The US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University said images of the North's main rocket launch site suggested one "and maybe more" tests of what was probably the first stage of a KN-08 road-mobile ICBM...."

    Reference: .

    Wednesday, April 30, 2014

    Huntsville-made Standard Missile-3 Block IB deployed for the first time aboard Navy ship

    Alabama-made Standard-Missile 3 deployed for first time on Navy ship

    "..."The SM-3 Block IB's completion of initial operational testing last year set the stage for a rapid deployment to theater," said Dr. Taylor W. Lawrence, president of Raytheon Missile Systems. "The SM-3's highly successful test performance gives combatant commanders around the world the confidence they need to counter the growing ballistic missile threat." ..."

    Reference: .

    Tuesday, April 8, 2014

    Two more Aegis-equipped ballistic-missile defense ships headed to Japan by 2017

    Hagel: U.S. to Send 2 More Aegis Ships to Japan

    "...For reasons a senior defense official said included North Korean provocations, treaty commitments to Japan and U.S. national security interests, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said today that the United States will send Japan two more Aegis-equipped ballistic-missile defense ships by 2017...."

    Reference: .

    Tuesday, April 1, 2014

    Next intercept test in June

    U.S. aims to correct issue behind 2013 failed missile defense test

    "...The failed intercept last July involved the earlier version of the Raytheon kill vehicle, which failed to separate from the third stage of the booster rocket. Eventually both versions will be replaced by the new kill vehicle..."

    Reference: .

    Tuesday, March 25, 2014

    India test launches long range N-missile from under the sea

    India test fires long range N-missile launched from under sea

    "...The submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) is being readied for deployment on various platforms including the around 6,000-tonne indigenous nuclear submarine INS Arihant which will soon be ready for sea trials, sources said. ..."

    Reference: .

    Fact Checking News Shows On Missile Defense Statements

    PunditFact: Fact-checking the Sunday March 23 news shows

    "...We can't check what Obama should have done, but we can look at Romney's assertion that Obama nixed a missile defense program in Eastern Europe "as a gift to Russia."..."

    Reference: .

    Sunday, March 23, 2014

    Help the U.S. Space & Rocket Center build a new public exhibition featuring the Shuttle Training Aircraft used by space shuttle astronauts!

    Help the U.S. Space & Rocket Center build a new public exhibition featuring the Shuttle Training Aircraft used by space shuttle astronauts!

    Gulfstream II Shuttle Training Aircraft (STA)
    "...The U.S. Space & Rocket Center Foundation in Huntsville, Alabama is asking for your help to raise $70,000 to begin installation of a Gulfstream II Shuttle Training Aircraft (STA) in the U.S. Space & Rocket Center’s Shuttle Park. The aircraft, which bears the tail number N945NA..."
    Reference: Rocket City .

    Sunday, March 16, 2014

    North Korea Launches 10 short-range missiles

    North Korea fires 10 short-range missiles: Yonhap

    "...North Korea fired 10 short-range missiles into the sea off the east of the Korean peninsula on Sunday, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported..."

    Reference: .

    Tuesday, March 11, 2014

    MDA Director Vice Adm. James D. Syring Discusses Missile Defense Threats, Capabilities

    Missile Defense Agency Director Discusses Threats, Capabilities

    Vice Adm. James D. Syring
    Department of Navy Photo
    "...Navy Vice Adm. James D. Syring discussed the Missile Defense Agency’s concerns and its interests in improving capability and capacity during Aviation Week’s Defense Technologies and Requirements Conference. “All you have to do is read the press over the last week or so,” he said. “You [can] start to piece together what we’re concerned about, and the threat that is posed by the increasing ballistic missile threat around the world.”..."
    Reference: .

    Sunday, March 9, 2014

    Reinstate the ballistic missile defense program and policy

    Republicans: Revisit scrapped missile defense program to help Ukraine

    "...Mr. Obama's move away from Bush's program in 2009 was largely perceived as a concession to pressure from Russia to cancel the program, something the U.S. denied. And now, pressure is mounting to return to the system as a way to flex U.S. military might without putting troops on the ground in Eastern Europe...."

    Reference: .

    Wednesday, March 5, 2014

    Torch Technologies, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. awarded $70,997,405 contract for missile element simulation

    MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: Defense Dept. Contracts for Mar. 4, 2014

    Torch Technologies, Inc.
    Torch Technologies, Inc.
    "...Torch Technologies, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. was awarded a $70,997,405 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for missile element simulation which will enhance and maintain the current suite of missile modeling simulation, hardware-in-the-loop and prototype development facilities. Funding and work performance location will be determined with each order. Estimated completion date is Feb. 11, 2019. Bids were solicited via the Internet with one received. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. is the contracting activity (W31P4Q-14-D-0017)...."
    Reference: .

    Tuesday, March 4, 2014

    2015 budget funding also to continue efforts aimed at developing a kill vehicle that could be used on a Standard-Missile-3 ...

    Pentagon to upgrade, improve U.S. missile defense system

    Missile Defense Agency Photo
    Missile Defense Agency Photo
    "...The fiscal 2015 budget also continues to fund that work, Syring said, noting that the effort was aimed at developing a kill vehicle that could be used on a ground-based interceptor, a Standard-Missile-3 or some future system...."
    Reference: .

    Monday, March 3, 2014

    Kuwait makes another order for patriot missile-defense systems from Raytheon

    Raytheon reports $655 million order for Patriot missile-defense system

    "..."Kuwait is part of Patriot's current family of 12 nations that have already selected Patriot as the cornerstone of their air and missile defense strategy. Their decision to further strengthen their defenses with technologically advanced new production fire units reaffirms our strong partnership and their trust in Patriot to protect Kuwait's people and critical infrastructure."..."

    Reference: .

    Monday, February 17, 2014

    USS Donald Cook and other destroyers form the centerpiece of Europe’s Phased Adaptive Approach program

    USS Donald Cook prepares for first ballistic missile defense patrol

    Photo: U.S. Navy
    "...The Cook is the first of four American destroyers to move to Rota over the next two years, each equipped with Aegis radar system and SM-3 missiles capable of intercepting medium-range ballistic missiles. Together the ships will form the centerpiece of Europe’s Phased Adaptive Approach program, a missile shield with radar in Turkey, a command element in Germany, and ground-based interceptors in Romania and Poland. ..."
    Reference: .

    Sunday, February 2, 2014

    Four locations to be studied for possible East Coast missile defense site (Environmental Impact Studies)

    Fort Drum among four locations to be studied for East Coast missile defense site

    "...The environmental impact study will take two years and will look at how building and operating the facility would affect land and water use, air quality, transportation, and socioeconomic aspects of the community. Sites in Michigan, Ohio and Maine will also undergo studies...."

    Reference: .

    Modification to existing Army contract for work on the Patriot Missile for Raytheon

    Raytheon lands $108 million contract for work on Patriot Missile

    "...modification to an existing Army contract for work on the Patriot Missile. A portion of the work will take place in Huntsville...."

    Reference: .

    Tuesday, January 21, 2014

    Growing strategic missile threat from Iran, Syria, Hezbollah...

    Missile defense expert warns of growing strategic threat

    "...Israel’s enemies are arming themselves with precision-guided heavy rockets and will inevitably come to possess GPS-guided ballistic missiles, an architect of the Israeli missile defense program warned on Wednesday...."

    Reference: .

    Wednesday, January 8, 2014

    Nuclear weapons, missiles and Dennis Rodman

    McCain: Rodman is 'Dangerous Idiot' Aiding 'Brutal, Crazy Man'

    "..."But the other part of it is very serious, because it props up and helps this incredibly brutal young man. Who, by the way, has nuclear weapons and missiles." ..."

    Reference: .