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Missile Defense Briefing for March 26th 2025

...Missile Defense News

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Long-range ballistic missile hit by kill-vehicle in Sunday missile test

Missile Defense Test Deemed a Success

"...kill-vehicle launched Sunday from the Lompoc base successfully struck a long-range ballistic missile launched from the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific as part of an ongoing missile defense program..."

Reference: .

Monday, June 16, 2014

Ground-based interceptor will try to hit target weapon launched from Kwajalein Atoll this month

Major Missile Defense Test Planned for Vandenberg Air Force Base This Month

"... At the hearing, however, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, referred to the test as being June 22. Officials won’t confirm the test date until the Air Force has issued notices to aviators and mariners..."

Reference: .

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Missile Defense Contracts Awarded to Miltec, Lockheed Martin

Miltec, Lockheed Martin land missile defense contracts

"...Miltec Corp. of Huntsville was awarded a $44 million contract for labor, materiel and research and development on the Advanced Hypersonic Weapon - Technology Demonstration for Space and Missile Defense Command. The contract covers work through June 2019 and will take place in Huntsville...."

Reference: .

Saturday, June 7, 2014

The strategic ground is shifting: US needs to enhance missile defense to counter North Korean threat

Missile Defense and the North Korean Nuclear Threat

"...many in Washington and Seoul to believe that the DPRK is planning to conduct its fourth nuclear test and/or another long-range missile test to enhance the credibility of its nuclear deterrent. But while public attention is once again on the idea of a North Korean nuclear-tipped ICBM that could threaten the continental United States, the strategic ground is shifting...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Russian jet loaded with missiles pulls dangerous fly-by aimed at U.S. aircraft

'Dangerous' Russian jet fly-by was 'straight out of a movie'

"...U.S. Air Force RC-135U aircraft flying on a routine mission over the Sea of Okhotsk was intercepted by a Russian Su-27 Flanker aircraft. The Russian aircraft turned and "showed its belly" to the U.S. crew so they could see it was armed with missiles..."
Reference: .