"...Iranian ship fires rockets within a mile of a U.S. aircraft carrier. Under President Obama's nuclear appeasement deal, the Iranians know they have little to fear from America..."
Reference: investors.com
"...Israel said Monday it had successfully completed the final test of a joint U.S.-Israeli missile defense system before it is expected to become operational next year.
The Defense Ministry said the David's Sling system had successfully intercepted targets in a series of tests conducted with the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, calling it the "final milestone."..."
Reference: www.usnews.com
"...Per the contract, which also involves foreign military sales (“FMS”), Lockheed Martin will build and deliver PAC-3 and PAC-3 MSE interceptors for the U.S. Army, and..."
Reference: www.zacks.com
"...Some critics of missile defense might call this a failed test but if they do such critics are missing the whole point of having a layered ballistic missile defense system (BMDS). No interceptor will perform with 100 percent accuracy every time it is fired at its target. This is why there should be redundancies built into the overall system, and it is why the defensive systems should also have multiple site deployments and a high number of interceptors to shoot at would-be incoming missiles..."
Reference: thehill.com
"...Iran violated a U.N. Security Council resolution in October by test-firing a missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, a team of sanctions monitors said, leading to calls in the U.S. Congress on Tuesday for more sanctions on Tehran..."
Reference: www.reuters.com
"... after launch, the Juno was intercepted and destroyed in the sky above White Sands Missile Range..."
Reference: www.wrex.com
"...Israel's upgraded Arrow ballistic missile shield passed a full interception test on Thursday, hitting a target in space meant to simulate the trajectory of the long-range weapons..."
Reference: www.reuters.com
"...The prime defense contractor did not stop there. It won a big modification contract from the U.S. Air Force for its Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) program. The contract also includes FMS to Poland and Finland. JASSM is a stealthy, precision-guided cruise missile with a penetrating blast-fragmentation warhead (read more: Lockheed Martin Wins $302M JASSM Modification Contract)..."
Reference: www.zacks.com
"...Officials said last month that Russia and Iran finalized the contract for their delivery.
The S-300 deal has long worried Israel and other countries in the region, as well as the U.S., which see it as destabilizing..."
Reference: www.washingtonpost.com
"...The Defense Ministry is also considering deploying the Aegis-based SM-3 system on the ground, the sources said.
The ministry has already asked Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. to conduct research on how to operate the THAAD system and ground-based SM-3 interceptors..."
Reference: www.japantimes.co.jp
"...Poland’s new conservative government on Wednesday called into question the previous liberal cabinet’s choice of US-made Patriot missiles and Airbus helicopters for a multi-billion-euro military upgrade..."
Reference: jpupdates.com
"...Retired Raytheon Company chairman William H. (Bill) Swanson and his wife, Cheryl, have made the largest single donation in the history of Cal Poly sports — $10.2 million to the university’s golf program..."
Reference: www.sanluisobispo.com
"...The company will perform work in New Jersey, Massachusetts and Virginia through September 2016 under the service branch’s Aegis Modernization Advanced Capability Build program, the Defense Department said Monday..."
Reference: executivebiz.com
"...On defense matters, the Marshall Islands’ strategic value to the United States no longer rests on the Pacific nuclear testing grounds but on Kwajalein, the largest of the Marshall atolls, which is home to the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site. The 1,200 Americans who live on the base launch missiles, operate space weapons programs and track NASA research, supported by an annual budget of $182 million. About 900 Marshallese workers take a ferry to the base every day to support them..."
Reference: www.nytimes.com
"...The confusion and social media uproar that erupted Saturday night as a mysterious white cone of light coursed across the night sky is an unfortunate but necessary tradeoff, Thompson added..."
Reference: www.latimes.com
"...a strange light seen in the sky over Southern California and Arizona.
Many people posted similar videos on social media Saturday night, using the hashtags "UFO" and "comet."..."
Reference: wgntv.com
"...The Pentagon announced it is indefinitely suspending its JLENS program a week after one of its blimps broke free of its tether and floated from Aberdeen Proving Ground into Pennsylvania..."
Reference: www.wbaltv.com
"...The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports the Air Force confirmed the failure of the Super Strypi rocket at Kauai's Pacific Missile Range Facility on Tuesday..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
"...The test was conducted near Wake Island in the western Pacific Ocean around 11:05 p.m. EDT by the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, U.S. European Command, U.S. Pacific Command, the Ballistic Missile Defense System Operational Test Agency and the Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense..."
Reference: news.yahoo.com
"...The blimp wreaked plenty of havoc. Frederick Hunsinger, the Public Safety Director for Columbia County, PA, said in an interview that the blimp’s heavy tether dragged 20 miles across his county. While there were no injuries within county borders, the damage caused 35,000 to lose electricity, he said. Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania canceled classes as a result; 9-1-1 phone lines were overwhelmed..."
Reference: www.washingtonpost.com
"... 'Emergency personnel are tracking the aerostat which is still aloft in [sic] moving toward Pennsylvania,' according to the Aberdeen Proving Ground, the U.S. Army facility.
The full name of the blimp -- known as an aerostat -- is a Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System (JLENS) and it is used to detect cruise missiles around Washington DC. ..."
Reference: abcnews.go.com
"...The goal, according to the US, was to challenge China's claims over what are generally understood to be international waters.
China was furious. A spokesperson said the Lassen "illegally entered" the waters and "threatened China’s sovereignty and security interests." On Tuesday, China sent two ships — the missile destroyer Lanzhou and patrol boat Taizhou — to the area and told the American ship to get out. The Americans ignored them..."
Reference: www.vox.com
"...a tiny guided missile a soldier can launch from a rifle-mounted grenade launcher.
Meet the Pike, a 17-inch-long, laser-guided munition that Tucson-based Raytheon Missile Systems..."
Reference: tucson.com
"...The U.S. has indications that four Russian cruise missiles crashed in Iran rather than Syria, suggesting there were malfunctions, Defense Secretary Ash Carter confirmed Friday..."
Reference: abcnews.go.com
"...Netanyahu said that he told Putin in “no uncertain terms” that Israel would not tolerate Tehran’s efforts to arm Israel’s enemies in the region, and that Jerusalem had taken and would continue to take action against any such attempts..."
Reference: www.timesofisrael.com
"...Online registration is now closed. You may register onsite beginning Monday, 5 October 2015, 1600-1900 hrs at the Barceló Sevilla Renacimiento.
Delegates attending this year’s conference will have the opportunity to hear views from various nations on key issues facing the missile defense community and discuss national policies and operational issues related to defeating ballistic missile threats. Expected attendance includes government and industry representatives from more than 20 nations.
The material presented on the opening day of this conference will be appropriate for public dissemination, though media will not be in attendance..."
Reference: www.aiaa.org
"...the unmanned aircraft was shot down in recent days after it “confronted” the air defense missile system. He did not say which country the drone belonged to, or give specifics on the timing..."
Reference: www.theguardian.com
"...On Wednesday, The North American Aerospace Defense Command launched the second of two helium-filled airships near Baltimore to test an East Coast missile defense system. The launch at the Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground completes the aerial part of the Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System, or JLENS..."
Reference: abcnews.go.com
"...North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has placed his military on high-alert and declared a "quasi-state of war" in frontline areas Friday after North and South Korea exchanged artillery fire near the border. ..."
Reference: www.voanews.com
"...Monday marks the beginning of the Army-centric Space and Missile Defense Symposium, an annual conference in Huntsville, Ala. Here are a few topics likely to generate conference buzz..."
Reference: breakingdefense.com
"...Following the SM-6’s interception of a ballistic missile target, three additional test events were conducted over the next four days, the MDA said.
MDA said Monday the Multi-Mission Warfare flight test events featured the Aegis Baseline 9.C1 weapon system configuration and the Standard Missile-6 Dual I and Standard Missile-2 Block IV missiles launched from USS John Paul Jones..."
Reference: www.tjcnewspaper.com
"...While there were no reported injuries, the blast from the Raytheon Standard Missile-2 did create a small fire on the port side of the ship..."
Reference: www.businessinsider.com
"...The contract includes PAC-3 and PAC-3 MSE interceptor deliveries for the U.S. Army, and Foreign Military Sales of PAC-3 interceptors, associated equipment and spares for the Republic of Korea, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Taiwan and the United Arab Emirates..."
Reference: www.streetinsider.com
"...Lawmakers on the hill cite grave concerns that President Obama is cutting desperately needed Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) defenses that protect the United States while his administration is only helping Iran further develop ways to launch ICBM attacks on America..."
Reference: dailycaller.com
"...he said that by removing sanctions, the deal will "reward the terrorist regime in Iran" with hundreds of billions of dollars to support a worldwide terrorism network.
"This cash bonanza will fuel Iran's terrorism worldwide, its aggression in the region and its efforts to destroy Israel, which are ongoing," the prime minister noted..."
Reference: www.ynetnews.com
"...Due to the increasing threat coming from rocket strikes from both the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip, Israel has decided to harness planes bound for its resort city of Eilat with anti-missile defensive systems..."
Reference: www.breitbart.com
"...Each of the three Javelin missiles used during the tests at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, was fired from a different launcher or platform – from a Command Launch Unit (CLU); from a vehicle using a Remote Weapon Station (RWS); and from the U.S. Army's recently deployed Containerized Weapon System (CWS), also using a RWS. The CLU-launched missile hit a target at 4,000 meters, while the vehicle-launched and CWS-launched missiles hit targets positioned at 1,100 meters and 700 meters, respectively. ..."
Reference: www.prnewswire.com
"...Raytheon announced this week the Navy awarded the company an additional $149 million for 74 Standard Missile-6 all up rounds, spares containers and services...."
Reference: www.al.com
"...Investigators say unsuitable material was used to produce the wiring harnesses -- which supply power to the rocket's guidance system -- making them vulnerable to corrosion in the often damp, moldy conditions in underground silos. ..."
Reference: www.upi.com
"...WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M. - The U.S. Army and Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) took a significant step toward the objective for integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) when a ballistic missile was destroyed using the IAMD Battle Command System (IBCS) in its first flight test...."
Reference: thomasnet.com
"...The warship is also capable of employing two SH-60 Seahawk multi-purpose helicopters, used primarily for anti-submarine warfare.
The USS Shiloh is part of the forward-deployed Naval Forces of the U.S. Seventh Fleet..."
Reference: manilastandardtoday.com
"...“I am greatly pleased with this announcement to station the Long Range Discrimination Radar at Clear Air Force Station,” said Sen. Dan Sullivan. “Not only will this project -- the very first of its kind -- greatly improve the combat effectiveness of our nation’s missile defense system, but it will also bring hundreds of millions of dollars to Interior Alaska.”..."
Reference: www.adn.com
"...Test and evaluation services for U.S. missile defense weapon systems are to be performed by Teledyne Brown Engineering Inc. under a $64.7 million task order. ..."
Reference: www.upi.com
"...To that end, the panel would "require that the secretary study not fewer than three sites in the EUCOM area of responsibility for the deployment of a THAAD battery, in the event one is determined to be necessary." It would require the same for "not fewer than three" Patriot air defense systems there...."
Reference: www.defensenews.com
"...“More capabilities in space mean more capabilities here on earth,” said Tory Bruno, president and CEO of United Launch Alliance. “Because the Next Generation Launch System will be the highest-performing, most cost-efficient rocket on the market, it will open up new opportunities for the nation’s use of space. Whether it is scientific missions, medical advancements, national security or new economic opportunities for businesses, ULA’s new Vulcan rocket is a game-changer in terms of creating endless possibilities in space.” ..."
Reference: www.ulalaunch.com
"...The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of 15 AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopters...1000 AGM-114 R Hellfire II Missiles in containers...17 AN/AAR-47 Missile Warning Systems, 17 AN/ALE-47 Countermeasure Dispenser Sets, 18 AN/APR-39C(V)2 Radar Warning Receivers, 15 Joint Mission Planning Systems, and 17 M197 20mm Gun Systems. ..."
Reference: www.seapowermagazine.org
"...MDA is also rightly targeting a longer-term solution in the "multiple kill vehicle," but Congress should resist any urge to skip the critical interim step of developing and deploying the redesigned kill vehicle by 2018. This redesign is hardly a "band-aid" as some have reported; it will provide performance enhancements and reliability upgrades by leveraging existing Standard Missile-3 technology. This is the lowest-risk, lowest-cost option to ensure our homeland is protecting in the near-term. ..."
Reference: thehill.com
"...No sensor is installed in the missile’s nose, which means it is guided by a GPS/INS navigation system. Therefore, its accuracy is estimated at about 50 meters. “It is equipped with a Doppler-pulse radar, which compares measurements to a pre-programmed map, enabling it to follow the terrain at an altitude of 300 ft. in the last stages of flight,” an intelligence official says...."
Reference: aviationweek.com
"...For the first time ever, Raytheon has begun enhancing Standard Missile-3 Block IBs with 'threat upgrade' software, giving the weapon's kill vehicle the ability to hunt down more complicated, more lethal targets. ..."
Reference: www.prnewswire.com
"... High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. Lockheed is hoping Germany and Poland will be the first customers for Meads, in what the company estimates could be a market worth as much as $100bn over the next 15 years. More more than 30 countries are seen as likely to invest in new or upgraded missile defence systems over this period. ..."
Reference: www.ft.com
"... THAAD units are equipped with a high-technology radar capable known as the AN/TPY-2. The X-band radar can spot, track, and identify ballistic missile launches over long distances and very high altitudes.
The radar also could be used for “cooperative engagement” missile defense ..."
Reference: freebeacon.com
"...“Right now we know that 22 countries have ballistic missiles. Nine of these states possess, or are suspected of possessing, nuclear weapons. At least 75 countries are developing unmanned aerial vehicles and out of that, 20 of them are trying to arm those platforms.” ..."
Reference: www.theredstonerocket.com
Air, Space and Missile Defense Association
"...The MDA earned a rating of Excellent from the Command Cyber Readiness Inspection (CCRI) conducted on the Missile Defense Integration and Operations Center (MDIOC) ..."
Reference: www.c4isrnet.com
"...the game, called Strike Group Defender: The Missile Matrix, calls on sailors to make split-second decisions in order to dodge missiles fired at a Navy ship. ..."
Reference: dailycaller.com
"...The Air Force initially chose Raytheon to develop a separate long-range radar but is now reevaluating bids received from all three firms after Lockheed and Northrop protested the initial decision. ..."