"...The statement concluded by saying that those who had voted for the sanctions would face Pyongyang's wrath.
"Those countries that raised their hands in favor of this 'sanctions resolution' shall be held completely responsible for all the consequences to be caused by the 'resolution' and we will make sure for ever and ever that they pay heavy price for what they have done," the statement said..."
Reference: www.king5.com
"...President Trump is expected to authorize the sale of anti-tank missiles to Ukraine's military, possibly including the Javelin missile system, as the country battles pro-Russian separatists in Crimea..."
Reference: thehill.com
"...Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdul-Salam tweeted that a ballistic “Volcano H-2” missile was used in the attack. The rebels’ military media said the missile targeted “an expanded meeting of the Saudi top leadership at Yamama palace in Riyadh..."
Reference: time.com
Snippet of Article: "...In a sign of concern about the growing threat to the American homeland from both Iranian and North Korean missile programs, President Donald Trump will designate domestic missile defense as a "priority action" as part of the administration's national security strategy, The Washington Free Beacon reported on Monday ..."
Article Source: www.newsmax.com
"...Saudi Arabia blamed Iran for an attempted missile attack on Riyadh’s international airport, saying it could be considered an “act of war” and that the kingdom had the right to defend itself..."
Reference: www.bloomberg.com
"...The missile was shot down by Saudi air defense forces, with fragments of the missile landing in an uninhabited area north of the capital. Saudi Arabia's Civil Aviation Authority said the missile did not cause any damage to the King Khalid International Airport and that flights were not disrupted..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
"...A third U.S. Navy aircraft carrier strike group entered the western Pacific, the Navy announced Wednesday, just days ahead of President Donald Trump’s first trip to Asia next month.
The USS Nimitz joined the Roosevelt and Reagan in the region. The Nimitz announcement came a day after the Roosevelt entered the western Pacific..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
"...The live-fire exercise included 14 NATO warships, according to a statement from the U.S. Navy. During the maneuver, USS Donald Cook, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, successfully “detected, tracked and intercepted a medium-range ballistic missile target with a Standard Missile-3 Block IB guided missile,” the statement said.
In addition to the U.S., ships from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom also participated in the live-fire defense test..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
"...As the U.S. Navy notes, the Aegis system can engage a number of different targets including anti-air, anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare. However, as Andrew Davies, director of the defense and strategy program at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute told The Australian, the system is not very capable at dealing with the speeds of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Indeed, as Davies points out, its best shot at successfully engaging North Korean ICBMs would be to intercept them during boost phase..."
Reference: nationalinterest.org
"...North American Aerospace Defense Command’s (NORAD) deputy commander, Lieutenant General Pierre St-Amand, testified that that “the extant U.S. policy is not to defend Canada” in the event of a North Korean missile attack, Canadians have begun reconsidering their opposition to missile defense..."
Reference: www.nationalreview.com
"...Weapons made by Boeing (BA), Lockheed Martin (LMT) and Raytheon (RTN) could get new infusions of money, as the Pentagon looks for ways to accelerate U.S. defenses amid rapidly advancing North Korean nuclear and missile threats..."
Reference: www.investors.com
"...A mountain in North Korea believed to have served as the site of five of the rogue regime’s nuclear tests -- including Sunday’s supposed hydrogen bomb explosion -- is at risk of collapsing and leaking radiation into the region, a Chinese scientist said Monday..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
"...North Korea launched another medium-range missile on Monday, this one right over Japan. Despite Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ threats to shoot down missiles aimed at Guam and President Donald Trump’s Pyongyang-aimed bluster, the United States and Japan let it fly. Why?..."
Reference: www.defenseone.com
"...The Aegis defense system works as part of a broader U.S. missile defense architecture comprised of space and land-based sensors. For example, destroyers can be positioned around the Korean peninsula to detect ballistic missile launches; those same ships can also be outfitted with SM-3 interceptors that are capable of destroying ballistic missiles during their midcourse phase of flight — that is, when they’re in space.
Ballistic missile defense is not as simple as positioning a couple of DDGs around a contested region..."
Reference: taskandpurpose.com
"...A collision between US Navy warship USS John McCain and oil tanker Alnic MC, that left 10 sailors missing in waters east of Singapore and the Straits of Malacca, begs the question: whose job is it to stop ships crashing into each other?
The rules for ships at sea are known as the COLREGS or the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea..."
Reference: www.abc.net.au
"...Boeing will develop a preliminary design for a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), with some of the work being done right here in Huntsville, according to a news release Monday..."
Reference: whnt.com
"...A high profile and high stakes test of Raytheon's new SM-3 Block IIA interceptor and the Aegis Combat System against an intermediate range ballistic missile failed last June. The misfire occurred not because a high-tech sensor broke down or the missile's infrared hit-to-kill vehicle got confused, but because..."
Reference: www.thedrive.com
"...As always with North Korea, however, it is hard to tell how wide the gulf is between reality and rhetoric.
Analysts, for instance, believe the latest missile may be able to hit Alaska, a marked improvement on past efforts and potentially placing it in the intercontinental ballistic missile category, but far from backing North Korea’s claim it can now “strike anywhere on Earth.”
Skeptics will also ask how North Korea can claim mastery of such a complicated technology after only one test..."
Reference: www.japantimes.co.jp
"...China tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile — the DF-5C — with 10 warheads in January, and there have been rumors that another developmental Chinese ICBM has already been deployed. China conducted its seventh successful test of the DF-41 with two inert warheads last spring. The Chinese armed forces are expected to substantially increase the number of warheads on the ICBMs capable of threatening the continental U.S. over the next few years, the new Pentagon report suggests..."
Reference: dailycaller.com
TAGS: DF-16, China's missile capabilities, DF-5C, DF-41, intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), DF-21D, DF-26, hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV), Zircon, Shabab-3, Iranian Shihab 3 missiles, Fateh-110 Missile, North Korea,
"...Local media reporting a possible active shooter in place at Redstone Arsenal. The possible location is in or near the Sparkman Center, buildings 5301 -5308 are currently being cleared. 'Run, Hide, Fight' order has been issued. Gates to Redstone Arsenal are presently closed. Situation still active and ongoing at this time. Gate 9 is ..."
Reference: Follow Rocket City News for updates
"...The silo was build to withstand a nuclear explosion and according to Rocket City News is considered to be "one of the strongest structures built by man." "Construction is well under..."
Reference: Rocket City News
"...The rocket launch, from Vandenberg Air Force Base, 60 miles northwest of Santa Barbara, unfolded in the early afternoon under cloudy conditions. The target missile was launched from thousands of miles away, at Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.
The director of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, Vice Adm. James D. Syring, called the intercept “an incredible accomplishment..."
Reference: www.latimes.com
"...Schatz is one of the most liberal members of the Senate, but the looming threat of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un's nuclear weapons program has prompted him to collaborate with Alaska Republican Dan Sullivan and six other senators across the ideological spectrum on a broad missile defense bill.
Their proposal calls for "the development and deployment of a space-based sensor layer" to aid 28 new ground-based interceptors in detecting and downing incoming ballistic missile attacks.
"Our nation's missile defense is a critical insurance policy that protects Americans..."
Reference: www.washingtonexaminer.com
"...China protested a U.S. Navy patrol that sent a guided missile destroyer near a group of man-made islands in the South China Sea on Thursday, in the first American challenge to Beijing’s claims to the waters since President Donald Trump took office..."
Reference: www.washingtonpost.com
"...An American THAAD missile defense system is now operational in South Korea, less than two months after its components arrived there, the U.S. military says.
The system is meant to protect South Korea from ballistic missiles fired by North Korea, the Pentagon says..."
Reference: www.npr.org
"...Entire sections of booster rocket were snagged by South Korea’s navy and then scrutinized by international weapons experts for clues about the state of North Korea’s missile program. Along with motor parts and wiring, investigators discerned a pattern. Many key components were foreign-made, acquired from businesses based in China.
The trove “demonstrates the continuing critical importance of high-end, foreign-sourced components” in building the missiles North Korea uses..."
Reference: www.washingtonpost.com
"...said in a statement.
“The number one threat in the region continues to be North Korea, due to its reckless, irresponsible and destabilizing program of missile tests and pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability," he added.
North Korea's provocative behavior in recent months has raised tension levels in the region and is emerging as one of the key foreign policy and defense challenges..."
Reference: www.usatoday.com
"...The Russian frigate, Admiral Grigorovich RFS-494, crossed through the Bosphorus Strait “a few hours ago” from the Black Sea, according to a U.S. defense official. The Russian warship is now in the eastern Mediterranean steaming in the direction of the U.S. warships..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
Click Image for Larger Version Showing Syria |
"...Tomahawk missiles, like those used in Thursday's strike on a Syrian airfield, are manufactured at a plant in south Arkansas, according to the company that makes them.
On Thursday evening, President Donald Trump ordered a targeted strike of Shayrat Airfield in response to the Syrian government's chemical weapons attack on April 4..."
Reference: www.nwahomepage.com
"...North Korea’s nuclear preparations prompted the U.S. military in recent days to move a surveillance aircraft used to test the air following nuclear explosions to the region. The Air Force WC-135 Constant Phoenix arrived in Japan and will be used to patrol the area off the Korean peninsula in the coming days, according to a separate official.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
"...The new technologies, known as Communications and Interoperability for Integrated Fires, or CIIF, will aim to enhance situational awareness capabilities for the U.S. Navy's air and missile defense operations..."
Reference: www.upi.com
"...the Missile Defense Agency said it has conducted tests of a "directed-energy airborne laser" fired from a military drone – a weapon that would be carried by remote-control aircraft over suspected enemy ballistic missile launch sites. The current system relies on "metal-to-metal" missile interceptors guided by radar and satellites, the outlet reported..."
Reference: www.newsmax.com
"...Building the concrete structures with retractable roofs on Subi, Mischief and Fiery Cross reefs, part of the Spratly Islands chain where China already has built military-length airstrips, could be considered a military escalation, the US officials said in recent days, speaking on condition of anonymity..."
Reference: www.stuff.co.nz
"...he he Viktor Leonov is one of several Russian surveillance ships dedicated to intelligence collection and is equipped with electronic surveillance gear and small arms for defenses, but is not carrying any heavy weapons capable of threatening the U.S. homeland, according to Davis..."
Reference: www.militarytimes.com
"...A Russian spy ship is no longer 30 nautical miles from the US Navy submarine base in Groton, but is still in waters along the East Coast near Long Island Sound..."
Reference: fox61.com
"...Iran conducted its first ballistic missile test under Donald Trump's presidency, in yet another apparent violation of a United Nations resolution, U.S. officials told Fox News on Monday.
The launch occurred Sunday at a well-known test site outside Semnan, about 140 miles east of Tehran..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
"...U.S. defense analysts believe those behind the attack either thought the bomber was striking an American warship or that this was a “dress rehearsal” similar to the attack on the USS Cole, according to one official..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
"...A missile test involving Britain's Trident nuclear deterrent system ended in failure off the coast of Florida last year, a US defense official with direct knowledge of the incident told CNN on Monday..."
Reference: cnn.com