"...The US government has not definitively linked China to the hacking attacks, but the report said that some malware was shown to have been controlled by a computer in China’s Hainan province. The hackers also used hacking tools which have been used by Chinese-affiliated hacking groups in the past..."
Reference: www.telegraph.co.uk
"...Russia will deploy new S-400 surface-to-air missile systems on the Crimean peninsula soon, the Interfax news agency cited the Russian defense ministry as saying on Wednesday..."
Reference: www.reuters.com
"...unmanned rocket carrying cargo blasted off into space on Friday in the first launch of a Russian-made Soyuz-FG rocket from Kazakhstan's Baikonur cosmodrome since a dramatic aborted launch in October.
The rocket took off with a Progress MS-10 spacecraft..."
Reference: www.yahoo.com
"...The test, off the west coast of Hawaii, follows two failed tests of the next generation 'kill vehicle' designed to shoot down enemy intercontinental ballistic missiles should they ever be fired at the U.S..."
Reference: www.dailymail.co.uk
"...He continued, 'In Pakistan, they fund over 20,000 madrasas that teach hatred of America and hatred of Western ways and hatred of Christianity. They have polluted Indonesia, which used to have a much more mild, mainstream version of Islam. They are polluting the Philippines with Wahhabism. They are bad actors. We don’t need to sanction 15 rogue actors that they send over here. Fifteen thugs are 15 thugs. We need to not sell arms to the regime because the regime is a bad actor worldwide...'"
Reference: www.breitbart.com
"...statement said two of Israel's newly deployed David's Sling interceptors were launched "in response to the threat to Israeli territory," but added the Syrian rockets fell inside Syria..."
Reference: www.yahoo.com
"...While analysts debate whether Russia has actually achieved reliable hypersonic missile technology, there is little question that such weapons would indeed be nearly impossible to intercept, or even detect with a reasonable window of advance warning.
Hypersonic missiles can exceed five times the speed of sound, making them potentially twice as fast as high-performance fighter jets. They fly too high – or, in the model evidently pursued by the Russians, too low – to be intercepted..."
Reference: www.breitbart.com
"...Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, was the target of ballistic missiles fired Wednesday by Yemen's Iran-backed Shiite rebels, a Saudi-owned news channel said..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
"...Defense Ministry spokesperson Wu Qian said the DF-26 intermediate range ballistic missile was now in service and could carry conventional and nuclear warheads to attack targets at land or sea. It has a range of up to 4,000 kilometers, or 2,500 miles, meaning it could hit important U.S. installations on the island of Guam, or..."
Reference: www.yahoo.com
"...There are ongoing conflicts in the world today that the Patriot air missile defense system is supporting today," says Thomas Laliberty, vice president of Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems. "And we've had over 100 engagements essentially defeating those threats with [a] 100 percent success rate..."
Reference: www.wbur.org
"...Guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG-75) and a Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser launched Tomahawk land attack missiles on targets in Syria, a defense official confirmed to USNI News..."
Reference: usni.org

"...has been outspoken in favor of America’s missile defense. He authored the 1999 book “America at Risk: The Citizen’s Guide to Missile Defense,” which details the risk of an attack from Russia, China or a “third-world” power.
In 2012, Anderson voiced skepticism in the pages of Defense News about President Barack Obama’s willingness to negotiate with Iran..."
Reference: www.defensenews.com
"...Iran warned that any move by its adversaries to force it to curtail its ambitious ballistic programme — the most advanced in the Middle East after Israel’s — would be met by force if need be.
Iran’s defiance of these efforts, which had redoubled..."
Reference: thearabweekly.com
"...Due to the need to safeguard critical defense information, the DOD will not provide timing or test details in advance beyond the required safety notifications for any planned flight tests,” Lt. Gen. Sam Greaves..."
Reference: fas.org
"...Putin boasted Thursday that his country has developed a nuclear missile with an unlimited range and completely immune to enemy intercept.
Speaking during an annual state-of-the-nation speech in Moscow, Putin said the ballistic missile is capable of penetrating any missile defense and can reach virtually any target around the world. "No defense systems will be able to withstand it," he said..."
Reference: www.usatoday.com
"...a large projectile from a few thousand miles above the Earth. The "rods from god" idea was a bundle of telephone-pole-size (20 feet long, 1 foot in diameter) tungsten rods, dropped from orbit, reaching a speed of up to 10 times the speed of sound.
The rod itself would penetrate hundreds of..."
Reference: www.businessinsider.com
Broad support of the annual defense funding bill is nothing new, but wrapped in this NDAA is nearly every provision of Sen. Dan Sullivan's Advancing America's Missile Defense Act.
The missile defense provisions in the NDAA will not only improve national security, but should be a boon to Alaska contractors as well, Sullivan said in a late December interview with the Journal.
That's because the NDAA calls for 20 new intercontinental ballistic missile, or..."
Reference: www.adn.com
"...time to grab your cameras and get this image to send the family. At 7 a.m., Boeing..."
Reference: rocketcity-us.blogspot.com
"...North Korea appears to have launched a missile ... The government urges people to take shelter inside buildings or underground," the message read, according to a translation from Reuters.
The false warning went out..."
Reference: www.npr.org
"...text scrolling across the screen, but it was quickly joined by a voice recording: "The U.S. Pacific Command has detected a missile threat to Hawaii. A missile may impact on land or sea within minutes. This is not a drill."
"If you are indoors, stay indoors. If you are outdoors, seek immediate..."
Reference: www.yahoo.com
"...The Trump administration has approved a $133.3 million missile defense sale to Japan to meet the escalating threat from North Korea — by shooting down the rogue nation's own ballistic missiles.
The State Department says Congress was notified Tuesday of the proposed sale of four missiles for the SM-3 Block IIA interceptor..."
Reference: www.foxnews.com
"...An intermediate-range missile launched by North Korea last April crashed into a town near Pyongyang, possibly causing an explosion and casualties, The Diplomat reported on Wednesday.
The IRBM was launched April 28, 2017 near Pukchang Airfield ..."
Reference: http://www.foxnews.com