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Missile Defense Briefing for March 26th 2025

...Missile Defense News

Friday, August 29, 2008

Redzikowo Missile Defense Site

Polish PM to visit future missile defense site
"...It will be the first visit by Prime Minister Donald Tusk to the former military airport in the village of Redzikowo, on the Baltic Sea coast, where an American base with 10 missile interceptors is to be built just 115 miles from Russia's westernmost frontier...."


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Missile Employment Spotlight: Miltec Ground Test Execution

Huntsville - Mid to Senior Level Analyst/Engineer

Missile Employment Spotlight: Miltec Ground Test Execution
"...Interfacing with the GMD Prime Contractor, the OTAs and Warfighters, component product offices, the Combined Test Force (CTF), Missile Defense Agency test groups and GMT personnel..."


Pentagon OKs missile sale to Taiwan

Ending an apparent freeze on providing arms to the island, the deal comes at a time of warming cross-strait ties between China and Taiwan.

"...The Department of Defense has given the go-ahead for the purchase of 60 Harpoon Air Launch missiles made by McDonnell Douglas Corp. for delivery in 2009, Taiwan's Central News Agency reported Wednesday..."


Kinetic Energy Anti-Satellite [KE ASAT]

"...the KE-ASAT program persisted throughout the 1990s, and hardware was even displayed as recently as 2005, despite the fact that the project had officially been canceled. Both the Pentagon and successive presidential administrations did not want the program, but the KE-ASAT kept rising from the dead because year after year Congress earmarked money for it...."


The Devils in His Details

By George F. Will

The Devils in His Details
"...Iran is developing a missile inventory capable of delivering nuclear weapons the development of which will not be halted by Obama's promised "aggressive personal diplomacy." Yet Obama has vowed to "cut investments in unproven missile defense systems...."


Vandenberg: Missile Launched, Protester Arrested

Air Force Base Security Says Objector Violated “Ban and Bar”

"...The missile, a nuclear-capable vehicle with capacity for three warheads, deployed three test reentry vehicles, which reached their Pacific Ocean targets near Kwajalein Atoll..."


Fort Greely Alaska and Missile Defense

A listing of links/resources for the National Missile Defense (NMD)program
"...National Missile Defense - The Arctic Dimension , The Dragon Goes North: Chemical and Biological Warfare Testing in Alaska [1972], Department of Defense Fact Sheets on 27 open-air Chemical and Biological Warfare Tests [Project 112] -- includes 12 tests at Fort Greely - Department of Defense, National Missile Defense and Alaska - Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, [July 19,2001], Missile Defense Agency Emplaces First Interceptor at Fort Greely - Missile Defense Agency, Department of Defense [pdf file, July 22, 2004], New Acquisition Procedures for Missile Defense - Heritage Foundation [February 4, 2004]..."


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cities of Slupsk, Poland and Huntsville, Alabama Open Partnership Prior to Polish Prime Minster Tusk's Visit to Missile Defense Site
"..."Slupsk and its nearby region will be host to the US 10 two-stage ground- based defensive interceptors site that was agreed upon between Poland and the United States. Huntsville, Alabama has the most prominent engineering community for missile defense technology in the United States."..."


Missile Defense Agreement

Briefing on the Missile Defense Agreement Between the U.S. and Poland
" the missile defense agreement, this is an agreement that covers things such as how the base would be operated, what the respective roles of the different parties would be and their rights; for instance, requirements that the United States has undertaken where we’ve committed not to conduct flight tests of the ballistic missile defense interceptors that would be stationed there out of that site. This wasn’t something we intended to do, but obviously this will fall on a populated area, so it’s an area of concern. Issues of command and control, protection of the environment, how access to the base will be governed, security of the base – things of that nature are covered in the ballistic missile defense agreement...."
