President says ICE permitted to enforce the law at churches and schools,
directs agency to use ‘common sense’
Trump says ICE can arrest people at churches and schools, directs agency to
use ‘common sense’ Snippet of Article: "Federal immigration authorities
will be...
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Missile Defense Briefing for
...Missile Defense News
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Fort Greely Alaska and Missile Defense
A listing of links/resources for the National Missile Defense (NMD)program
"...National Missile Defense - The Arctic Dimension , The Dragon Goes North: Chemical and Biological Warfare Testing in Alaska [1972], Department of Defense Fact Sheets on 27 open-air Chemical and Biological Warfare Tests [Project 112] -- includes 12 tests at Fort Greely - Department of Defense, National Missile Defense and Alaska - Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, [July 19,2001], Missile Defense Agency Emplaces First Interceptor at Fort Greely - Missile Defense Agency, Department of Defense [pdf file, July 22, 2004], New Acquisition Procedures for Missile Defense - Heritage Foundation [February 4, 2004]..."