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Missile Defense Briefing for March 26th 2025

...Missile Defense News

Friday, December 30, 2011

Boeing Wins Missile Contract

Boeing Beats Lockheed to Keep $3.5B Contract

"...beat Lockheed Martin Corp. to win a $3.48 billion, seven-year contract that lets it keep its role as the primary developer of the U.S. shield against intercontinental ballistic missiles. ..."

Reference: .

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Raytheon received $122.5 million contract from the Missile Defense Agency

Raytheon gets development contract for missile to be assembled at Redstone Arsenal plant

"...The SM-3 IB is among the missiles to be assembled at a Raytheon plant under construction on Redstone Arsenal. The company broke ground for the $70 million, 70,000-square-foot missile integration facility on the arsenal in June. ..."

Reference: .

Monday, December 19, 2011

New test site activated for JLENS

Raytheon Establishes New JLENS Test Site at White Sands Missile Range

"...Brig. Gen. Ole Knudson, the U.S. Army's Program Executive Officer for Missiles and Space, along with representatives from the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala.; White Sands Missile Range; prime contractor Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems; and TCOM, the aerostat's manufacturer located in Elizabeth City, N.C., attended the test site's activation. ..."

Reference: .

Friday, December 16, 2011

Raytheon’s Tucson, Arizona-based Missile Systems unit is behind schedule on missiles

Raytheon Missile Delay Causes $198 Million Cut in Defense Bill

"...Raytheon’s Tucson, Arizona-based Missile Systems unit, as of May 31, was 136 missiles behind schedule, delivering 225 of 361 due by that date, according to the most recent data available from the Air Force. The backlog grew..."

Reference: .

Friday, December 9, 2011

Lockheed deal worth up to $184 Million

New Lockheed-Missile Defense Agency deal worth up to $184M

" on the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense Combat System and the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense Weapon System on cruisers and destroyers...."

Reference: .

Friday, December 2, 2011

China's DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missiles

China's anti-ship missile, submarine threats: Indian Navy

"...certainly requires a different measure to counter it," he said about the DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missiles that China has developed.

Reference: .

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"extensively damaged" Iranian missile base

Satellite Image Shows 'Extensively Damaged' Iranian Missile Site

"...A Washington-based research group has released a satellite image showing an "extensively damaged" Iranian missile base two weeks after an explosion at the site was reported...."

Reference: .

Monday, November 28, 2011

Reparations claims of Marshall Islanders

Nuclear Guinea Pigs

"...That periphery includes the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site, where for more than three decades missiles fired from 4,000 miles away (at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California) have crashed near Kwajalein Atoll..."

Reference: .

Raytheon, Small Diameter Bomb II

Raytheon SDB II Warhead Exceeds Test Requirements

"...SDB II is the world's first weapon capable of engaging fixed or moving targets around-the-clock in adverse weather conditions from a range of greater than 40 nautical miles (approximately 46 statute miles)...."

Reference: .

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Iran make threats

Iran threatens to target NATO missile shield in Turkey if attacked by US or Israel

"...Iran will target NATO’s missile defense installations in Turkey if the U.S. or Israel attacks the Islamic Republic, a senior commander of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard said Saturday...."

Reference: .

Friday, November 25, 2011

BMD proposal submitted by Lockheed, Raytheon

Lockheed, Raytheon submit BMD proposal

"...The prize is work on the development, manufacturing, test, training, logistics, operations and sustainment of the GMD portion of the BMD system to protect the United States from missile attack...."

Reference: .

Russia and Missile Defense Sites

Russia May Target U.S. Missile Defense Sites

"...Russia revived threats to deploy ballistic missiles on the borders of the European Union on Wednesday, if the U.S. proceeds with plans to build an anti-missile system there...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

United Nations' nuclear agency charged Iran is attempting nuclear weapon development

U.N. Says Iran Is Working on Nuclear Arms

"...conclusions that Tehran has conducted advanced research on developing a miniaturized warhead that could be delivered by medium-range missiles. ..."

Reference: .

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Design, Development, Demonstration & Integration (D3I) space and missile defense program

Rapid Fire 10-31-11: SMDC’s D3I | SOCOM GMV 1.1 | USS California

"...Lockheed Martin and Raytheon plan to compete with incumbent BAE for the US Army’s Design, Development, Demonstration & Integration (D3I) space and missile defense program. ..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Interceptors scored direct hits Oct. 5

Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Propulsion Systems Successfully Maneuver Missile Defense Interceptors to Destroy Ballistic Missile Targets

"...The THAAD operational test was conducted by the Ballistic Missile Defense System Operational Test Agency, with the support of the Missile Defense Agency, at the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Hawaii on Oct. 5. Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne is a United Technologies Corp...."

Reference: .

Monday, October 24, 2011

Raytheon garners missile launcher contract

Raytheon Awarded US Navy Missile Launcher Contract Valued up to $83 Million

"...The launchers are used on Navy F/A-18E/F and EA-18G aircraft. They provide the structural and electrical interfaces that enable the aircraft to carry and launch missiles..."

Reference: .

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Switchblade backpack guided missile

U.S. Troops Will Soon Get Tiny Kamikaze Drone

"...Essentially a guided missile small enough to fit in a backpack and fire at a single foe, it might be the kind of blade U.S. troops soon bring to a gunfight with Afghan insurgents...."

Reference: .

Monday, October 17, 2011

MDA: Anti-Missile Warhead Has Guidance Flaw

Raytheon Anti-Missile Warhead Has Guidance Flaw, MDA Says

"...The latest model of a Raytheon Co. (RTN) anti-missile warhead failed in the final seconds of a $300 million flight test last December because of a “guidance error,” according to the U.S. Missile Defense Agency. ..."

Reference: .

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Missile Defense Employee a Rocket City Redneck

Blowing stuff up with Rocket City Rednecks

"..."In my day job, I work for the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, working on giant laser systems to create an umbrella that will protect our soldiers from rockets, artillery and mortar fire..."

Reference: .

Act of War (Casus belli) ...a discussion

A Discussion on the definition of the term Act of War. "

Wikipedia offers an article on the term Act of War (Casus belli). Wikipedia defines Casus belli as a Latin expression meaning the justification for acts of war. Of course what defines an Act of War may also be required to meet other criteria set forth by treaties, contracts, constitutions, and other binding legal elements and definitions. Click over to Wikipedia for the discussion on Act of War

Reference: Wikipedia

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lockheed Martin successfully completed its most challenging missile test to date

Lockheed: Hardest Missile Test A Success

"...The troops who operated THAAD in the latest test did not know what day nor time the mission would occur, “to make this a realistic tactical environment,” the Lockheed statement said...."

Reference: .

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The House has passed a cap on compensation of all workers of defense vendors

Pentagon eyes executive pay cap for defense contractors

"...The defense contractors affected by the new policy include the top five in terms of contract value in 2010, namely: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics and Raytheon. The average yearly compensation

Reference: .

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Russia makes demands on U.S. missile defense

Lavrov Demands Legal Guarantees for US Missile System

"...Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has repeated the Kremlin's demands for solid legal guarantees that a U.S. missile defense system for Europe does not target Russia...."

Reference: .

Monday, September 26, 2011

New York Production of Rocket City, Alabam’

Rocket City, Alabam’

"...In the early 1950’s, at the dawn of the Cold War, Hitler’s top rocket engineers were quietly slipped into the U.S. to create an American missile program. These Germans had to be settled somewhere, and the spot selected by the U.S. Army was Huntsville, Alabama..."

Reference: .

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Working toward coherent missile defense

U.S. Sells Bunker Busters To Israel

"...a concept of trying to link the missile defense systems of the entire Middle East region together in sort of one coherent missile defense group...."

Reference: .

Friday, September 23, 2011

SAIC Commercially Hosted Infrared Payload (CHIRP) sensor launched

SAIC Helps Launch Commercially-Hosted Infrared Payload Sensor for U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center

"...Its large format focal plane array accommodates a wide-field-of-view infrared staring system to sense bright spots on the surface of the Earth that aid in the early warning of missile launches and to support other military missions...."

Reference: .

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Iran Displays Missiles

Iran Displays Missiles, Criticizes Turkey’s Plan to Host NATO Radar

"...Iran has displayed its growing arsenal of ballistic missiles in a military parade marking the 31st anniversary of the start of the Iran-Iraq war...."

Reference: .

Sunday, September 18, 2011

SAIC missile defense contract

SAIC bounces back with $281M missile defense win

"...The five-year, multiple-award contract will be primarily based in Huntsville, Ala. and SAIC will support the Ballistic Missile Defense System with senior advisory and analytical services..."

Reference: .

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Boeing provides PAC-3 prime contractor Lockheed Martin with the seeker

Boeing celebrates expansion of PAC-3 missile seeker production in Huntsville

"...Boeing provides PAC-3 prime contractor Lockheed Martin with the seeker that targets incoming missiles or aircraft and guides it to "hit-to-kill" destruction. ..."

Reference: .

Fact Sheet: Implementing Missile Defense in Europe

Fact Sheet: Implementing Missile Defense in Europe

"...There are four phases of the EPAA to be implemented over the rest of this decade. We have made progress on each phase and are on a path to meet the goals the President set forth in 2009...."

Reference: .

Wednesday missile launch postponed

Vandenberg postpones missile launch

"...The Air Force has postponed a Minuteman 3 launch planned for Wednesday, saying more analysis is needed about why the last missile test failed nearly two months ago...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

U.S. and Romania Missile Defense Agreement

Ballistic Missile Defense Agreement Between the United States of America and Romania

"...This Agreement calls for the establishment and operation of a U.S. land-based SM-3 ballistic missile defense (BMD) system in Romania. The deployment to Romania is anticipated to occur in the 2015 timeframe as part of the second phase of the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA)...."

Reference: .

Monday, September 12, 2011

MDA Contract: awarded to Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc.

Teledyne Gets Missile Defense Simulator Pact Worth Up To $595M

"...Teledyne Technologies Inc. (TDY) will provide a simulation framework for the Missile Defense Agency under a contract with a potential value of $595 million over five years..."

Reference: .

Tec-Masters recognized by Military Training Technology magazine as a 2011 Top Simulation and Training Company

Huntsville company named 'top performer' in simulation, modeling and training industry

"...Tec-Masters - a minority-owned small disadvantaged business - developed simulation and training products for the Fires Center of Excellence Fires Battle Lab, PEO STRI, and the Missile Defense Agency, which has its headquarters at Redstone Arsenal...."

Reference: .

Raytheon will market the Israeli Rafael Iron Dome mobile air defense system in the U.S.

Raytheon To Market Israeli Defense System in U.S.

"...Raytheon will market the Rafael Iron Dome mobile air defense system in the U.S., the companies announced. Raytheon and Haifa, Israel-based Rafael Advanced Defense Systems also are teaming to offer ballistic missile defense and target missile systems. ..."

Reference: .

Monday, September 5, 2011

Apollo 18

'Apollo 18' Movie Review

"...tasked with setting up transmitters on the moon that are designed to act as a defense system in the event of a Russian missile attack on the US. ..."

Reference: .

Thursday, September 1, 2011

SM-3 interceptor missile failed to hit its target

SM-3 Missile Fails to Hit Target in Pacific Test

"...The Standard Missile-3 Block IB, part of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense system, was launched from the Navy cruiser USS Lake Erie early this morning..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Missile Threat Warning by State Department

State Department Warns Of Missile Threat

"...Aviators around the world should be on their guard against small shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles, the U.S. State Department said recently. The weapons, also known as Manpads (man-portable air defense systems), "pose a serious threat to passenger air travel, the commercial aviation industry, and military aircraft around the world," the State Department said..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Missile production in Courtland would be a “big win for Alabama.”

Facility could double workers

"...COURTLAND - Lockheed Martin's Courtland facility will double its workforce if the Missile Defense Agency awards the company a contract to build a missile to intercept intermediate to long-range ballistic missiles, company officials said Monday...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Aviation and Missile Command preparing for job cuts

Redstone Arsenal preparing for cuts

"...The Huntsville Times reports that about 272 positions at the Aviation and Missile Command ..."

Reference: .

Monday, August 15, 2011

Space and Missile Defense Conference opens today in Huntsville

Space and Missile Defense Conference opens today in Huntsville

"...The conference is also an opportunity to highlight Huntsville and the Rocket City's partnership with the Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Army Materiel Command, Aviation and Missile Command, NASA and dozens of other agencies at Redstone Arsenal, he said...."

Reference: .

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Test of the fastest aircraft ever built ended Thursday with the hypersonic vehicle crashing into

Brief Test of Military Aircraft Said to Yield Much Data

"...Military planners say such a vehicle could carry out missions like taking out a North Korean missile while it is being rolled to the launching pad, or destroying an Iranian nuclear site — all without crossing the nuclear threshold. ..."

Reference: .

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

FY 2011-2014 US Hellfire Missile Orders

US Hellfire Missile Orders, FY 2011-2014

"...Hellfire I/II missiles are the USA’s preferred aerial anti-armor missile, and are widely deployed with America’s allies. ..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Former Redstone Arsenal commander, retired Army Maj. Gen. Louis Rachmeler, died Thursday

Former Redstone Arsenal commander dies in Florida

"...Rachmeler commanded the arsenal's Missile Command, or MICOM, from 1979-80. The Missile Command became the Army Aviation and Missile Command, or AMCOM, in 1996. ..."

Reference: .

Monday, August 8, 2011

Tri-mode seeker update

Raytheon's Small Diameter Bomb II Uncooled Tri-Mode Seeker Exceeds Expectations

"...specifications is a win for the warfighter and the taxpayer," said Harry Schulte, vice president of Air Warfare Systems for Raytheon Missile Systems. "These tests prove there's no need to increase the cost of a tri-mode seeker by adding a cooled IIR seeker when an uncooled IIR will work just as well."..."

Reference: .

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Report of Libyan missile firing just a 'misunderstanding'

Libya calls missile report a 'misunderstanding'

"...Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim told reporters that government forces were responsible for the attack, but said Thursday that his comment was "a misunderstanding...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Missile lands near Italian warship off Libya

Missile lands near Italian warship off Libya

"...'It could have been a Libyan missile or an anti-aircraft missile which fell into the sea,' La Russa said, suggesting that the projectile may have also been fired by Italian or other NATO aircraft patrolling the area. ..."

Reference: .

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Targeted missile strikes in Pakistan

U.S. boosting efforts against Al Qaeda in Pakistan

"...The U.S. is "doubling down" on its strategy of covert targeted missile strikes in Pakistan..."

Reference: .

Pakistan places travel limitations on American diplomats

Pakistan puts travel curbs on US diplomats

"...The 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations requires host states to allow foreign diplomats "freedom of movement" in the country except for restricted areas. ..."

Reference: .

Friday, July 29, 2011

Unarmed Minuteman III Terminated After ‘Flight Anomaly’

Vandenberg Destroys Test Missile over the Pacific

"...3:06 a.m. controllers sent destruct commands after detecting an unspecified problem with the missile. The missile was originally..."

Reference: .

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command 's HALE-D airship crash lands

U.S. Army's $150m 'super-blimp' high-altitude airship in crash landing just hours after launch

"...A decision was made to end the flight and make what the company called a ‘controlled descent’ into a remote area in Greene County, Pennsylvania...."

Reference: .

Monday, July 25, 2011

JLENS Completes Endurance Test

JLENS Successfully Completes Endurance Test

"...TEWKSBURY, Mass., July 25, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company's (NYSE: RTN) aerostat system – Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensors (JLENS) – recently completed a successful endurance test. ..."

Reference: .

Russian Envoy visits U.S. military bases over missile defense

Russian Envoy Visits Bases Over Missile Defense Plan

"...Russian President's Special Envoy for Missile Defense Cooperation with NATO, will visit the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command headquarters in Colorado Springs on Monday...."

Reference: .

Sunday, July 24, 2011

North Korea test was media show

Pyongyang tests long-range rocket

"...NORTH Korea last year tested a rocket to carry long-range missiles in an apparent attempt to show off its weapons capability to the US, according to local media...."

Reference: .

Friday, July 22, 2011

Lockheed Martin plans to eliminate about 6,500

Lockheed Martin to offer voluntary separation package to 6,500 employees

"...Volunteers who choose to leave under the program will receive a “competitive severance package,” Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed said in a statement...."

Reference: .

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Missing antiaircraft missiles (Libya)

Antiaircraft Missiles on the Loose in Libya

"...large numbers of the missiles slipped from the hands of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s government as the rebels established control over eastern Libya and the ammunition depots there...."

Reference: .

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin says infrared images sent to Earth

"...Lockheed said the Space Based Infrared System craft, which is designed to detect missile launches, sent its first image to a ground station on June 21...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What is the Pentagon’s plan for countermeasures if early intercept does not materialize?

Pentagon Mulls Hurdles To Early Missile Intercept

"...The so-called Phased Adaptive Approach (PAA) was designed with increments, each deploying new technologies in 2011, 2015 and 2018, and—eventually—the final phase would provide coverage from intercontinental ballistic missile threats from Iran in 2020. ..."

Reference: .

Russia Test Fires Bulava missile

Russian military test-fires new missile

"...Russia's navy successfully test-fired an advanced ballistic missile from a new-generation nuclear submarine Tuesday..."

Reference: .

Monday, June 27, 2011

Iran's Missile Silos Unveiled

Iran Unveils Missile Silos as It Begins War Games

"...Iran unveiled underground silos on Monday that would make its missiles less vulnerable to attack, marking the country’s latest show of force in the long standoff with the West..."

Reference: .

Raytheon Redstone Missile Integration Facility Breaks Ground Today in Huntsville

Raytheon breaking ground today for missile facility on Redstone Arsenal

"...a new missile plant that is expected to bring about 300 jobs to Huntsville and is a key to future missile defense plans for the United States and Europe...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lockheed/UAE deal scaled back

UAE Scales Back $6.95 Billion Lockheed Missile Defense Package

"...The United Arab Emirates has scaled back by about one-third its planned acquisition of Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT) missile interceptors in what was a potential $6.95 billion package, according to the U.S. Missile Defense Agency...."

Reference: .

Phased Adaptive Approach to include France?

Astrium To Pitch Missile Defense To France

"...If successful, the intercept test could lay the groundwork for a broader shield in Europe. Charmeau says missile defense is one of the top three development priorities for the French defense ministry in the coming years. He is optimistic that missile defense funding..."

Reference: .

Missile launch overcomes unprogrammed holds due to boats in hazard areas

Missile Launched

" detected at different times in the hazard area resulted in additional unprogrammed holds. Still, those issues were overcome allowing for a safe launch within the established window...."

Reference: .

Missile successfully reached its target in Kwaj

Unarmed ND Minuteman missile launched in Calif

"...An unarmed Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile blasted off from a central California military base on Wednesday and successfully reached its target 4,200 miles away on a Pacific Ocean coral atoll, the Air Force said...."

Reference: .

Missile launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base (test)

Missile launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base (test)

The ICBM was launched at about 6:37 a.m. Today toward a target in the Kwajalein Atoll.

Reference: Missile Defense Briefing via the following informational source: The Associated Press; .

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Joint Air-to-Ground Missile

Paris 2011: Missiles merge roles for mission flexibility

"...That seeker has been adapted for Raytheon/Boeing’s proposal for the Joint Air-to-Ground Missile, arguably the most important air-to-surface weapon development program currently under way. JAGM arose from the earlier Joint Common Missile project and is aimed at replacing the AGM-114 Hellfire, AGM-65 Maverick and BGM-71 ..."

Reference: .

Monday, June 20, 2011

Missile Test Scheduled

Vandenberg To Launch Missile Wednesday

"...The missile's unarmed re-entry vehicle is expected to travel 4,200 miles to a target near the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. ..."

Reference: .

NATO Missile Defense for Europe [Kindle Edition]

NATO Missile Defense for Europe

"...NATO has agreed to provide ballistic missile defense or BMD for all of Europe. This NATO BMD will protect NATO (European and American) military forces in Europe. It will also -- for the very first time -- protect the civilian population throughout Europe from ballistic missiles and weapons of mass destruction launched from the Middle East.
Much of this NATO missile defense for Europe --known as the European Phased Adaptive Approach -- will actually be provided by the United States armed forces. This will include seaborne AEGIS missile defense on board US Navy ships in the Mediterranean, as well as land based radars and interceptor missiles.
This e-book describes how NATO missile defense for Europe will be organized and implemented. (3,500 words) ..."

Reference: NATO Missile Defense for Europe .

Don't own a Kindle eBook Reader? Then get the Kindle 3G, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rasmussen: NATO ballistic missile defence capability is vital

Secretary General in London: Missile Defence - A Critical Capability

"...On 15 June 2011, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told an expert audience at the Royal United Services Institute in London that the development of a NATO ballistic missile defence capability is vital for the defence of the Alliance...."

Reference: .

Monday, June 13, 2011

The USS Monterrey cruiser equipped with the AEGIS air defense system is taking part in joint Ukrainian-US exercises

Syria on the boil, US warship in Black Sea

"...The Foreign Ministry statement then went on to give its own explanation that the Monterrey was sent to European waters as part of the US administration's phased adaptive approach to building the European segment of the global missile shield. ..."

Reference: .

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Russia unhappy with NATO joint military exercises

Russia objects to US warship in Black Sea because of its role in planned missile shield

" integral part of U.S. plans to create a missile shield in Europe, which Russia opposes...."

Reference: .

Suspected North Korea Missile Shipment bound for Myanmar turned back by U.S. Navy

U.S. Said to Turn Back North Korea Missile Shipment

"...The United States Navy intercepted a North Korean ship it suspected of carrying missile technology to Myanmar..."

Reference: .

Friday, June 10, 2011

China's rising naval ambitions

Vietnam plans live-fire drill amid South China Sea row

"...Beijing's strong-worded statement followed Vietnam's accusation that a Chinese fishing boat had "intentionally rammed" the exploration cables of a Vietnamese boat - the second such incident in two weeks...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

START or stop

New US-Russia arms race? Battle lines grow over missile defense.

"...the widening gap between Russian and Western visions for a missile defense shield to defend civilization from rogue attacks – may be about to wake up and turn nasty...."

Reference: .

Delta Air Lines improperly charges returning soldiers for baggage

Delta Charges U.S. Troops Returning From Afghanistan $2,800 In Baggage Fees (VIDEO)

"...even though there's a contract between the United States government and Delta Air Lines: When returning from Afghanistan on military orders, you're authorized up to four bags." ..."


Monday, June 6, 2011

$55.5M Missile Launch System Contract Awarded to BAE Systems

Navy Awards BAE Systems $55.5M Missile Launch System Contract

"...The U.S. Navy has awarded BAE Systems, Land & Armaments a firm-fixed-price contract potentially worth $55,501,612 for MK 41 Vertical Launching System mechanical modules and related equipment and services...."

Reference: .

Possible sale of AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles

Possible sale of AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles

DSCA notified Congress Wednesday of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Australia of AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles.


Possible foreign military sale (FMS) estimated at about 50 million to Morocco.

Deciphering Morocco’s Military Procurement Strategy

"...The missiles will be delivered All-Up-Round (AUR) by Raytheon’s Missile Systems branch in Tucson, AZ...."

Reference: .

Heat-seeking missile's for sale?

70 years of sifting through military surplus

"...a heat-seeking missile whose tip can be unscrewed to show the actual heat sensor.

"Look at how lightweight this is. It's some sort of composite metal..."

Reference: .

Raytheon on target

Raytheon's missile-killers

"...Another version, the SM-3 Block IB, will feature an improved kinetic kill vehicle - a nonexplosive warhead that destroys a target by sheer impact - by 2012 and will be adapted to a ground-based system by 2015...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Network penetrations bleeding defense secrets

U.S. arms makers said to be bleeding secrets to cyber foes

"...Top Pentagon contractors have been bleeding secrets for years as a result of penetrations of their computer networks, current and former national security officials say...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sineva submarine-launched ballistic missile (Russia)

Russia tested new ballistic missile

"...Last Friday’s test-launch of a missile from the Barents Sea could be the first test of a new, modernized version of the Sineva submarine-launched ballistic missile...."

Reference: .

Lockheed Martin Demonstrates Full Range of Capabilities at Empire Challenge 2011

Lockheed Martin Demonstrates Full Range of Capabilities at Empire Challenge 2011

BETHESDA, Md., May 25, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Lockheed Martin will demonstrate its advanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), and battlefield communication technologies in a nine-day exercise at Empire Challenge 11 (EC 11), May 23 to June 3, at Fort Huachuca, Ariz.

The exercise will feature Lockheed Martin's Combat Edge, Vehicle Optics Sensor System (VOSS II), MONAX, Sniper® Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP), Desert Hawk III Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS), TacWarrior and new product Stratus Rising™ tactical gateway. The systems will help determine the effects of integrated ISR and command and control elements in improving support to warfighters and enhancing information exchange between multi-national forces during joint operations.

The EC 11 exercise will simulate battlefield conditions in Afghanistan. The activities will help realize and leverage new capabilities for warfighters and command operations. Resulting data from the exercise will be shared with modeling and simulation laboratories across the U.S. and at coalition sites in the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.

"We are integrating our wide range of ISR capabilities into a common, shared set of capabilities known as the 'Combat Edge' system," said Scott Kreisler, Lockheed Martin's campaign manager for the exercise. "Our products will provide actionable command, control and intelligence at all levels of warfare from the tactical edge to national intelligence centers."

A new ISR capability, Stratus Rising™ tactical gateway generates intelligence products that are readily available to warfighters and intelligence analysts, with data discovery enabled via the Distributed Common Ground System Integration Backbone. In real time, Stratus Rising will process, prioritize, publish and disseminate live full-motion tactical imagery video from a VOSS II or Sniper ATP and will transmit information from wireless communications via the Distributed Common Ground System to TacWarrior™.

"Stratus Rising tactical gateway will be among the new ISR capabilities that will enhance operations," said Steven Botwinik, director of business development for Research & Development at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. "It complements our strong portfolio of technologies that will be demonstrated at Empire Challenge."

The rugged, lightweight Desert Hawk III UAS has been deployed in the global war on terror by United Kingdom. For EC 11, Desert Hawk III will be outfitted with a Gimbaled Electro-optic/Infrared camera and Electronic Support Measures focused on geolocation of radio emitters.

MONAX 3G wireless communications system enables secure voice, text and video from warfighters' smart phones or tablet devices. The EC 11 exercise will stream video intelligence to warfighters at the combat edge through these portable devices to test their effectiveness and, in turn, stream data and video they gather from their vantage point to command operations for a greater, more enhanced situational awareness picture and greater informed decision-making.

During the exercise, the Sniper pod's ISR capabilities for autonomous reconnaissance and data collection will be demonstrated, providing a complete battlefield picture for intelligence operations. Directed by pre-defined or pilot-designated flight points, this capability can be used to monitor convoy routes or wide areas of interest, in addition to capturing images of infrastructure such as oil pipelines, power lines and roadways.

Empire Challenge is an annual joint and multinational live ISR interoperability demonstration sponsored by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Intelligence. Empire Challenge showcases emerging ISR capabilities and provides vital lessons learned to improve joint and combined ISR interoperability to support warfighters at the tactical edge. This year EC will focus on near-term capabilities that can be delivered rapidly to the warfighter.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 126,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation's 2010 sales from continuing operations were $45.8 billion.

For additional information, visit our website:

SOURCE Lockheed Martin

Reference: .

European Phased Adaptive Approach to missile defense

U.S. missile defense plans likely topic during Obama, Medvedev talks

"...When Obama announced his European Phased Adaptive Approach to missile defense in Sept. 2009, the plan focused on four phases of development...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Iran Sanctions imposed

US hits more foreign firms with Iran sanctions

"...hit seven foreign companies, including Venezuela' state-owned oil company and an Israeli shipping firm, with sanctions for doing business with Iran that helps fund its nuclear program...."

Reference: .

Tags: Petróleos de Venezuela, Tanker Pacific of Singapore, Ofer Brothers Group of Israel, Associated Shipbroking of Monaco, Petrochemical Commercial Company International of Jersey and Iran, the Royal Oyster Group of the United Arab Emirates and Speedy Ship of the United Arab Emirates and Iran

Netanyahu: 'We defend ourselves'

Netanyahu says he’ll present peace vision in Congress speech

"..."He spoke of that commitment not just in front of AIPAC but in two speeches heard throughout the Arab world," Netanyahu said of Obama. "And President Obama has backed those words with deeds. I know these are tough economic times. So I want to thank the president and Congress for providing Israel with vital assistance, so that Israel can defend itself by itself."..."

Reference: .

Sunday, May 22, 2011

U.S. knocks down report of Iran, Venezuela missile base

U.S. knocks down report of Iran, Venezuela missile base

"...a newspaper report claiming that Iran is building a missile base in the South American nation is not credible...."

Reference: .

CDC blogs about Zombie Apocalypse

Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse

"...a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this..."

Reference: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) .

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sea-Based X-band Radar

Massive radar could track baseball from across a continent

"...Of course, the billion-dollar radar is designed to track missiles, not baseballs. It is scheduled to spend about 90 days at Seattle’s Vigor Shipyards for maintenance and upgrades, including adding the ability to plug into shore power, rather than having to use its six diesel generators while in port..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Missile-smuggling plot trial

Calif man gets 25 years for missile-smuggling plot

"..."The defendant's willingness to smuggle surface-to-air missiles into this country or anywhere is a frightening concept because there can be no confusion as to the purpose of such contraband," said Steven Martinez, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles office...."

Reference: .

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Five countries interested in Israel's anti-missile system.

Israel to invest one billion dollars in Iron Dome missile defense system

"...Shani reveals that five countries have already expressed an interest in the system, especially following its successful operational interception of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip last month...."

Reference: .

Thursday, May 5, 2011

SBIRS GEO-1 satellite to launch May 6

USAF and Lockheed Martin ready for launch of SBIRS GEO-1 satellite

"...will be helpful to "Enhance early warning of missile launches around the globe, support the nation's ballistic missile defense system", and with its persistent infrared surveillance, should improve US security for next years. ..."

Reference: .

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Are you a target for spies?

Week 3 of FBI Citizen's Academy focuses on espionage and counterintelligence

"...With agencies in Huntsville such as NASA, the Missile Defense Agency and more than 50 U.S. Army weapons programs, "it makes Redstone Arsenal a huge target," said a Huntsville FBI agent. ..."


More Reading: FBI Citizen's Academy

US Army missile contract competition

New problem hits candidate for US Army missile contract

"...The Aerojet-supplied single rocket motor has encountered unspecified problems, says Frank St John, Lockheed's vice-president for tactical missiles. ..."

Reference: .

Sunday, April 17, 2011

MDA Drops Target-Acquisition From Next Sats

MDA Drops Target-Acquisition From Next Sats

"...The agency’s new design for its next space-based missile-tracking system will be simpler than the two Northrop Grumman Space Tracking and Surveillance System (STSS) satellites now conducting a demonstration in space, according to MDA and industry officials...."

Reference: .

Northrop Grumman Space Tracking and Surveillance System (STSS)

Northrop Grumman Space Tracking and Surveillance System (STSS)

"...Two Northrop Grumman-built Space Tracking and Surveillance System (STSS) demonstrator satellites are on-orbit, demonstrating capabilities required for birth-to-death tracking of ballistic missiles and other cold objects in space...."

Reference: .

Boeing is basing SM-3 IIB concept development work in Huntsville

MDA contracts will launch an all-new missile and have big impact in Huntsville

"...Boeing is basing its SM-3 IIB concept development work in Huntsville, creating from 40 to 50 new positions, said Greg Hyslop, vice president, Boeing Strategic Missile & Defense Systems. The contract will help "stabilize" the company's high-tech work force after last month's announcement of possible layoffs due to changes in the GMD program..."

Reference: .

2011 Army Aviation Association Annual Professional Forum and Exposition

April 17-20 in Nashville

Boeing to Promote Innovative Solutions at Army Aviation Exposition

"...1530-1630: Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) Demonstration — U.S. Army LCT Display, Exhibit Floor
Reporters have the opportunity to participate in a demonstration flight from the viewpoint of the LCT pilot and co-pilot seats, including engagements using the Longbow’s missiles, rockets and 30mm gun. Army personnel discuss the benefits and applications of training simulation technologies...."

Reference: .

Raytheon and Lockheed Martin seek Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM) contract

Raytheon, Lockheed vying for $5 bil missile contract

"...this is a whopper of a request, if Raytheon's proposal is one the military fancies...."

Reference: .

U.S. to continue funding Israel's Iron Dome

U.S. aid significantly bolsters Israel's missile-defense capabilities

"...Defense Minister's comment comes after U.S. House passes budget including $205 million intended for developing Iron Dome anti-missile system...."

Reference: .

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Raytheon Missile Kill

Remote data aids Raytheon missile kill

"...The company said the test certified the first phase of the European Phased Adaptive Approach. Under that plan, the U.S. is deploying the sea-based Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense system and its SM-3 missiles, with a land-based version still under development, to protect Europe...."

Reference: .

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lockheed has successful intercept

Lockheed’s Aegis System Test Hits Intermediate Ballistic Missile

"...Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT)’s Aegis-based missile defense system hit an intermediate-range ballistic missile for the first time today during a test off the coast of Hawaii, the company said in a statement. ..."

Reference: .

Mission success - Target Intercept

Sea-based Missile Defense Flight Test Results in Successful Intercept

Article Excerpt: "...At 2:52 a.m. EDT (6:52 p.m. April 15 Marshall Island Time), an intermediate-range ballistic missile target was launched from the Reagan Test Site, located on Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, approximately 2,300 miles southwest of Hawaii. The target flew in a northeasterly direction towards a broad ocean area in the Pacific Ocean. Following target launch, a forward-based AN/TPY-2 X-band transportable radar, located on Wake Island, detected and tracked the threat missile. The radar sent trajectory information to the Command, Control, Battle Management, and Communications (C2BMC) system, which processed and transmitted remote target data to the USS O’KANE. The destroyer, located to the west of Hawaii, used the data to develop a fire control solution and launch the SM-3 Block IA missile approximately 11 minutes after the target was launched. ..."

Reference: success

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Furloughs for 100 Huntsville Northrop Grumman employees

100 Northrop Grumman employees in Huntsville face furloughs when fed contract ends

"...contract for the Missile Defense Agency's Ground-based Midcourse Defense system expires..."

Reference: .

Thursday, April 7, 2011

SLAMRAAM successfully intercepts missile target

SLAMRAAM Successfully Intercepts Targets in Two Test Firings

"...TEWKSBURY, Mass., April 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company's (NYSE: RTN) SLAMRAAM (Surface Launched Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile) system successfully destroyed an unmanned aerial vehicle target and intercepted a cruise missile target at White Sands Missile Range, N.M...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

OPM Guidance and Information in the event of 2011 Federal Shutdown (Furlough)

OPM Guidance and Information in the event of 2011 Federal Shutdown (Furlough)

"...If the current continuing resolution expires at 12:01 a.m. on April 9, 2011 without passage of an FY 2011 appropriations bill or a further continuing resolution, Federal departments and agencies will be required to execute contingency plans for a lapse in appropriations (more commonly referred to as a "shutdown"). These contingency plans detail which agency activities are allowed by law to continue to operate, and which activities must stop. Employees whose salaries are funded through annual appropriations will not be able to work and will be furloughed, unless their duties qualify under the law as "excepted" to continue to work during periods of lapsed appropriations. During a shutdown, non-excepted employees are not permitted to work as unpaid volunteers for the government. Any paid leave (annual, sick, court, etc.) approved for use during the furlough period must be cancelled. An excepted employee who is absent from duty during the shutdown must be furloughed during such an absence. ..."

Reference: .

Alleged missile developer to the Hamas terrorist group indicted

Palestinian engineer Abu Sisi indicted with missile development and terror charges

"...BE'ER SHEVA, ISRAEL (BNO NEWS) -- Palestinian engineer Dirar Abu Sisi on Monday was indicted for being an alleged missile developer to the Hamas terrorist group in southern Israel, the Jerusalem Post reported. ..."

Reference: .

Monday, April 4, 2011

U.S. Navy taking on Missile Defense Mission

Missile Defense Becomes A Navy Mission

" is equipped with an improved version of Lockheed Martin’s Aegis combat system that enables it to intercept the kinds of ballistic missiles Iran’s radical Islamic government has been developing. ..."

Reference: .

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lockheed Martin to produce the THAAD weapon system ($789M contract)

Lockheed Martin wins $789M contract for THAAD

"...According to a press release, the contract includes $694.9 million and for the production of 48 THAAD interceptors, six THAAD launchers, four fire control units and additional support equipment. The interceptors are produced at Lockheed Martin’s Pike County facility in Troy...."

Reference: .

Requesting Veterans' Service Records

Requesting Veterans' Service Records

"...Request records online with eVetRecs, Other Methods to Obtain Military Service Records, What's available online?, Locate older (pre-WW I) military service records, Using military records for genealogical research, Other military and veterans records, replace lost or damaged medals and awards ..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Raytheon Jobs, Employment in South Easton, MA |

Raytheon Jobs, Employment in South Easton, MA |

"...Job search for 111 Raytheon Jobs, Employment in South Easton, MA at one search. all jobs..."

Reference: .

Operation Odyssey Dawn continues barrage of cruise missiles

Denver Post Photos of Military Operations In Libya

"...A U.S. defense official says U.S. ships and submarines unleashed a barrage of cruise missiles at Libyan missile storage facilities in the Tripoli area late Monday and early Tuesday...."

Reference: .

You are the Rocket Men ...and women (YouTube Video of Rocket Man - Elton John)

How about a little music to lighten your day. Elton John - Rocket Man ...or click the video below:

Iron Dome facts

Five facts about the Iron Dome anti-rocket system

"...The deployment of an Iron Dome anti-rocket battery in southern Israel on Sunday (Mar. 27) marked another step on the system's path to becoming fully operational ..."

Reference: .

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lockheed Martin opens Huntsville Integrated Test (HIT) Center

Lockheed Martin Opens Test Center

"...Lockheed Martin Corporation formally opened the Huntsville Integrated Test (HIT) Center in Huntsville, Alabama that will help the company to carry out cost-effective and realistic testing of full-scale missile defense systems in a laboratory environment. ..."

Reference: .

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Work could soon begin on Raytheon missile plant at Redstone Arsenal

Work could soon begin on Raytheon missile plant at Redstone Arsenal

"...HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- Work could soon begin on the Raytheon plant at Redstone Arsenal that will assemble and test the company's SM-3 and SM-6 "Standard Missiles."..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back-engineering U.S. technology

Did China develop its deadly stealth fighter using parts from a downed U.S. bomber?

"...Lieutenant Colonel Georgei Anicic, a unit commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 250th Air Defence Brigade of the Serbian military, was sent into the fields of western Serbia. His unit was to hunt Nato aircraft in the skies above using a Yugoslav version of the Soviet Isayev S-125 Neva ground-to-air missile system. ..."

Reference: .

Lockheed Martin Response

Lockheed Martin Responds

"...However, Lockheed Martin does continue to provide intermediate-range targets under ... Defense Agency's (MDA's) Targets and Countermeasures Prime Contract...."

Reference: .

Extended Medium-Range Ballistic Missile (EMRBM) launch scheduled

New BMD Target To Launch In Late Fiscal 2012

"...The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) plans to use its new Extended Medium-Range Ballistic Missile (EMRBM) during a flight trial in the fourth quarter of 2012. Lockheed Martin..."

Reference: .

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cruise missiles wipe out Gaddafi's (al-Qaḏḏāfī) command and control center

Airstrike destroys Gaddafi's command and control building

"...European and US forces unleashed warplanes and cruise missiles against Gaddafi on Saturday in a United Nations-backed intervention to prevent the veteran leader from killing civilians as he fights an uprising against his 41-year rule...."

Reference: .

Friday, March 18, 2011

X-51 WaveRider missile test is scheduled for March 22

Air Force Gears Up for Hypersonic Missile Test

"..."Our next flight is scheduled for March 22," Charlie Brink, Air Force Research Laboratory's X-51A program manager, told AOL News today...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Draft Memo Provides Guidance in DoD Shutdown Plans

Draft Memo Outlines DoD Shutdown Plans

"...If the U.S. federal government shuts down, all military personnel would be required to continue working without pay, according to the memo. The military would continue to operate in Afghanistan, and troops would continue to prepare for deployment. But many civilian DoD employees could be furloughed. ..."

Reference: .

Monday, March 14, 2011

Companies given missile defense contracts

Companies given missile defense contracts

"...The US Missile Defense Agency says it is granting competitive awards to five small US businesses for advisory and assistance services. The businesses named are COLSA Corp., Huntsville, Ala.; Engineering Research and..."

Reference: .

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Prisoners Building Missile Parts?

U.S. Prisoners Build Missile Parts for Raytheon and Lockheed to Sell Abroad

"...Inmates in American prisons have come a long way from the days of making license plates. Nowadays, prisoners are helping build missiles and other sophisticated weapons, and providing dirt-cheap labor in the process...."

Reference: .

Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) Missile Passes The Test

Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) Missile Passes The Test

"...Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT)’s Trident II D5 Missile has completed its 135th consecutive successful test flight...."

Reference: .

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Are you prepared?

The secret world of doomsday shelters

"...Underground home bunkers once again have a small but growing following as a refuge from a host of perceived threats. And most people who have them would prefer that you didn’t know...."

Reference: .

More reading: Buy your own abandoned missile silo

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Arming Syria with Cruise Missiles

Supersonic Cruise Missiles Coming to the Med

"...Russia reasserted last week her determination to provide the P-800 Yakhont (SS-N-26) anti-ship cruise missile to Syria. Assuming the missile does come to Syria, it will mark the first deployment of any missile of this kind in a Mediterranean nation...."

Reference: .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sen. Shelby Speaks in Support of Missile Defense Funding

Senator Shelby visits Rocket City

"...Shelby also talked about Madison County’s importance concerning defense.

“You’re in the driver’s seat here,” Shelby said. “We need a robust missile defense. We needed it yesterday.”

He said he wants missile defense to be a high priority and does not support decreasing it.

“To cut it back is like cutting off your leg,” Shelby said...."

Reference: .

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Terrorists armed with heat-seeking antiaircraft missiles looted from Libya?

Experts Fear Looted Libyan Arms May Find Way to Terrorists

" the SA-7, an early-generation, shoulder-fired missile in the same family as the more widely known Stinger — that intelligence agencies have long worried could fall into terrorists’ hands...."

Reference: .

A new missile defense program for Europe

US launches new missile defense program for Europe

"...The move marks the first of the Obama administration's four-phase plan to put land- and sea-based radars and interceptors in several European locations over the next decade...."

Reference: .

Raytheon Missile Systems Co. Contract Award

MDA wins $75 million contract for support from US Defense

"...The Missile Defense Agency is announcing the award of a sole-source cost-plus-award-fee contract to Raytheon Missile Systems Co., Tucson, Ariz. ..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Iran attempts nuclear missile parts buy

Iran Seeks Missile Components in Norway, Official Says

"...Norway yesterday said it had thwarted a number of attempts by Iran to obtain from small domestic firms components suited for incorporation in nuclear-armed missiles, Reuters reported..."

Reference: .

Russia proceeds with missile sale to Syria

Russia proceeds with missile sale to Syria

"...Russia has signaled its intent to press ahead with plans to supply Syria with Yakhont supersonic cruise missiles...."

Reference: .

Raytheon Missile Test Successful

Raytheon (NYSE:RTN) Reports Successful Missile Defense Test

"...Frank Wyatt, the vice president of Raytheon (NYSE:RTN)’s Air and Missile Defense Systems product line said that, “The test demonstrated the fire control loop of the kinetic warhead on the ground, which is a key indicator that we’re on track for the first SM-3 Block IB intercept in space this year...."

Reference: .

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Teledyne Brown competing in missile defense

Teledyne Brown Going for Missile Defense Contract

"...A subsidiary of Teledyne Technologies Inc. has been joined by Lockheed Martin Corp and Raytheon Co. to pursue a contract for missile defense modeling and simulation technology. The contract from the Missile Defense Agency is expected to be awarded in..."

Reference: .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

UAE in talks to buy Lockheed anti-missile defence system

UAE in talks to buy Lockheed anti-missile defence system

"...The first two THAAD batteries have been delivered to the US Army, and awaiting material release in 2011. Some of the features THAAD offers include being able to defend against short-, medium- and possibly intermediate-range ballistic missiles; unique high endo- and low exo-atmospheric intercept; high lethality with proven hit-to-kill ability..."

Reference: .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

'Iran missile man' to appeal ruling

'Iran missile man' to appeal ruling

"...A retired businessman from Orpington has vowed to appeal to Britain's highest court after a judge ruled he could be extradited to America on charges of conspiring to sell parts for Iranian missiles...."

Reference: .

Israel wary of Iranian warships in Suez Canal

Israel wary of Iranian warships in Suez Canal

"...Iran has shipped arms to the anti-Israel terrorist group Hamas in Gaza, a strip of land bordering Egypt and Israel. Iran also has smuggled thousands of missiles to Hezbollah, a U.S.-designated terrorist group that fought a war against Israel in 2006. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for Israel to be wiped off the map. ..."

Reference: .

Friday, February 18, 2011

One Hundred Percent Chance of WMD Attack

FBI: 100 Percent Chance of WMD Attack

"...would most likely employ chemical, biological, or radiological weapons rather than a nuclear device...."

Reference: .

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Missile Agency Seeks Funds for Defensive Systems

Missile Agency Seeks Funds for Defensive Systems

Defense Press Release, By Terri Moon Cronk, American Forces Press Service,

WASHINGTON, Feb. 15, 2011 – A ground-based system for homeland defense and interceptors for regional defense highlight the Missile Defense Agency’s portion of the Defense Department’s fiscal 2012 budget request.

The agency requested more than $8.6 billion for fiscal 2012, compared to last year’s requested $8.4 billion, Navy Rear Adm. Randall M. Hendrickson, the agency’s deputy director, told Pentagon reporters yesterday via video teleconference from Colorado Springs, Colo.

“The 2012 budget is predicated on and assumes the eventual approval of [fiscal] 2011's requested levels of $8.41 billion," he said.

If approved, the $8.6 billion budget would be used to pay for completing the initial fielding of the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense System for homeland defense, in addition to enhancing regional defenses with at least two interceptor systems against short-, medium- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles, Hendrickson said.

Homeland security projects include completing the purchase of six ground-based interceptors and the purchase of five more, as well as finishing 14 missile-launching silos at Fort Greeley, Alaska, and starting work on a new East Coast communications terminal, the admiral said.

Regional defense plans include purchasing 68 Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense interceptors, six launchers and a tactical station group. The plan calls for purchasing 46 standard sea-based interceptors, among other projects.

The third phase, Robust Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile Defense, is expected to be completed in 2018. System improvements would include expanded shooter coordination and improved radar, Hendrickson said.

The fourth phase, Early Intercept and Regional Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Defense, is scheduled to be completed in 2020.

The projects to complete the third and fourth phases include completing the preliminary design for the Precision Tracking Space System satellite, and finishing the final designs and engineering models for its spacecraft bus, optical payload and communication payload components.

Reference: Terri Moon Cronk, American Forces Press Service .