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Missile Defense Briefing for
...Missile Defense News
Friday, January 1, 2010
Link 16 military tactical data exchange network
Link 16 military tactical data exchange network
"...a TDMA-based secure, jam-resistant high-speed digital data link which operates over-the-air in the L band portion (969–1206 MHz) of the UHF spectrum. By definition, this limits the exchange of information to users within line-of-sight of one another, although recently emerging technologies provide the means to pass Link 16 data over various long-haul protocols such as TCP/IP and UHF SATCOM. It uses the transmission characteristics and protocols, conventions, and fixed-length (TADIL-J) or variable length(VMF) message formats defined by MIL-STD 6016, STANAG 5516 (formerly the JTIDS technical interface design plan). Information is typically passed at one of three data rates: 31.6, 57.6 or 115.2 kilobits per second, although the radios and waveform itself can support throughputs upwards of 238 kbit/s.
Link 16 information is primarily coded in so called J.-series messages, i.e. binary data words with well-defined meanings. These data words are grouped in functional areas, and allocated to network participation groups (virtual nets), most importantly:..."